Monday, May 6, 2019

The rent due at the now-closed Beijing Express

Beijing Express came and went pretty quickly at 92 Third Ave. between 12th Street and 13th Street.

Some rent-due legalese has been up on the now-closed restaurant's front door... noting a balance due of nearly $60,000, including the base rent of $17,500 for each month dating to January and other assorted charges, such as water and sewer service...

The quick-serve restaurant lasted four months... taking over for Gala BBQ, which opened and closed within three months. Previously, Blue 9 Burger had a 14-year run here.


  1. Is it just me or has the price of dining out doubled in the past year?

  2. I don't know about doubled, NN, but we've developed our own economy in the East Village, where you spend more to get less. For restaurant and bar owners I imagine its quite enticing--you can sell at a premium price here, but live somewhere where the rents are not 4K and more for a one bedroom. But reality will often be a slap in the face...

  3. Wow, at that rent I can't imagine that place would ever have made money.

    As for rising cost of eating out in our area, absolutely yes - and as a result, I eat out far less often. I only have a fixed dollar amount to spend on eating out every month.

  4. 875 late fee?!


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