Here's a dispatch from Seventh Street (No. 39 to be exact) between Second Avenue and Cooper Square, where EVG reader Dinky reports:
Alas, the beautiful red bud planted by the Parks Department on Oct. 25, 2017, was torn down during the night [this past weekend] by some marauding drunks.
Parks came Monday and removed the tree down to the stump.
Hoping for a replacement, but the first one took two years to get, so am not holding my breath.

No one witnessed the tree attack, though "someone heard a lot of yelling and running in the wee hours of Saturday-Sunday," per Dinky.
so so sad. I was heartbroken when I saw the tree sprawled across the sidewalk. my phone is filled with pictures of this beautiful tree sprouting this season.
Hate that. Presumed drunk broke a branch off our young Green Vase Zelkova but it survived and is doing beautifully.
Another casualty of the rule of bar owners in our neighborhood.
From whence springs this disregard for living things, I wonder, be they human, animal, or nature? What would be in someone's soul that would make them think of such a thing as sport, or fun, or shenanigans? I wish thugs like this could be brought to justice, but I know it will never happen,
Asses. Someone did the same thing on 4th Street last year. The poor thing was actually making a comeback and they tore it down again. There was no coming back from that.
Are there any CCTV cameras in the vicinity that might have captured the group?
Get McSorleys to pay for it. It probably was their drunks who did the deed!
Too many obnoxious drunken millennials treating the Lower East Side/East Village as their playground on the weekends being loud and abrasive as they travel on foot from one bar to another looking for the cool place to hang. It is no surprise that they would knock a tree down and brag about it to their bros mistakenly thinking that it is a cool thing to do. Sad state of affairs in our neighborhood.
@anon 7:15pm It’s equally likely that it was a gen Z/boomer addict or any age of psychopath who knocked down the tree. Blaming millennials for *literally* everything is lazy and below the dignity of this valuable neighborhood resource/blog.
@anon 9:18PM Hear, hear
Such a shame. That was a beautiful area. I agree. Too many drunk, obnoxious millennials utilizing the EV as a playground, and as a urinal. I can't tell you how many times I have seen young men( and sometimes young women) urinate and/or vomit on the trees and flowers that line 7th street near the endless array of bars. I don't mind bros as long as they exact their destruction in confined, private areas unbeknownst to us which doesn't damage property or threaten one's personal space. We pay very good money to live here without having to be exposed to such disrespect and foul behavior. Many of these entitled brats don't give a flying shit about us or anything. Their parents must be so proud.
why not just settle for a group of assholes killed a tree and were lucky to get away with it, this time.
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