Tuesday, August 6, 2019

RIP Unkle Waltie

Longtime East Village resident Walter Kohl (aka Unkle Waltie) died on July 30 at NYU Langone. He had been recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Kohl was 69.

Kohl was born in Switzerland in 1950. He moved to New York around 1970 and attended The Juilliard School.

A music engineer, Kohl had an incredible ear for music.

Friends said that he was known for his quips and barbs and the ability to effortlessly charm strangers. As they said, he would make friends for life after meeting somebody just for a few minutes.

There will be a memorial to celebrate his life at the International Bar on First Avenue in several weeks on Sept. 7 at 3 p.m.


Thank you to EVG contributor Steven for reporting on Unkle Waltie.


  1. RIP! everyone stop dying please!

  2. Ah, this is so sad. I knew Unkle Waltie from International and Coal Yard bars. Always a pleasure to talk to, he was the star of the show. And I miss his comments here on this blog. RIP.

  3. "Sip ahoy!"

    RIP Unkle Waltie.

  4. Sip ahoy, Unkle Waltie. I'll miss you and now there's one less person to look up when I come to NYC to visit.

  5. RIP Unkle Waltie. Keep sippin those “Nasty” cocktails - early and often.

  6. Great guy. Will miss him. He was a fixture. And always will be in my heart.

  7. I knew Walt only on Facebook; although we had the nabe in common we never met. I knew him as intelligent, kind, knowledgeable and witty. I was devastated to hear of his death. Rest in power, Walt!

  8. Memorial will be Sept 7th at iBar on 1st and 6th starting at 3pm, bring food if you want. But definitely bring good stories and memories!I'm gonna miss my friend!

  9. A memorial for Walter will be on Sept 7th around 3pm at iBar, bring the food if you want, but definitely bring good stories and memories!

    1. Peter I will be there in spirit. Can't believe how many of the old crew are gone. I saw Waltie about six weeks before he died - wasn't looking good but didn't think anything of it.

  10. I loved you Walter. I truly did. I wish I could have spoken to you again.

  11. Such and untimely departure my dearest Walter specially without seeing you or answering your e Mail how I wish I would have seen it. I love you dearly such a sincere and loving person, I want to thank you for the idyllic and loving relationship we shared. You have my infinite love!


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