Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The 1st Pangea Jazz Festival starts Friday

Pangea, the restaurant-supper club on Second Avenue (and an EVG favorite), is hosting its first-ever jazz festival starting Friday evening.

Here's a quick overview of what to expect via the EVG inbox...

The shows vary from sophisticated outrĂ© cabaret by the Downtown legend Joey Arias, to jazz vets like Joe Giglio and Keith Loftis, all the way to unexpected turns by tapper Felipe Galganni, and indie improvisers Plaster Cramp, and a number of new and newish groups like the David Stern Quartet, The Theory Conspiracy and Marty Isenberg’s The Wes Anderson Project.

Find ticket information and details on the nightly shows at this link. The festival runs through Aug. 31.

Pangea is located at 178 Second Ave. between 11th Street and 12th Street.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Pangea! Always a magical show no matter what it is. I hope they can make this a regular thing.