Friday, September 6, 2019

A back-to-school BBQ at La Plaza on Saturday

La Plaza Cultural is hosting its annual back-to-school BBQ tomorrow (Saturday, Sept. 7) at the community garden on the southwest corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C.

Aside from the BBQ, there's a book bag/school supplies giveaway as well as other activities for kids.

The event is also in honor Ninth Street resident and fellow gardener Felicia Mahmood, who passed away on April 14. The La Plaza invite notes that Mahmood "pretty much singlehandedly organized, sponsored and ran this event for many years."

1 comment:

  1. It is great to see the work being done on this garden new fencing, new sidewalks and a entrance pavilion as well. I wonder were the funding came from for this and can the same be done for the garden diagonally across Ave C.

    The large community gardens have grown beyond original intent of not becoming dumping grounds when abandoned tenements were demolished. They today are a place that supplements parks and for many with small children a preferred destination for recreation deemed more safe for children.

    I have mixed feelings on the small frontage lots that in many chases became the private backyards for a few. They served a purpose years ago but with the housing needs perhaps they need to become housing again. I am thinking Senior Housing in particular.


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