Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Re-covering Cover Magazine at the Tompkins Square Library

Starting today, the Tompkins Square Library branch will have an exhibit featuring Cover Magazine, the East Village-based national publication that covered the arts from 1987 to 2000.

Per the Library's website:

The magazine’s slogan was "We Cover All the Arts" and the monthly featured art, music, literature, dance, fashion, performance, and theater in every issue. Later issues also contained stories about the community garden struggles.

Most of the staff and production team was recruited by publisher and editor Jeffrey Cyphers Wright, from his literary and artistic contacts in the East Village. The 64-page monthly journal circulated nationally until 2000, and the complete set of Cover issues are archived at NYU Fales Library and at MoMA.

Local heroes were touted, often before receiving mainstream attention. Penny Arcade, Colette, Eileen Myles, and Afrika Bambaataa were all part of featured cover stories. The magazine often broke new talent: for instance, the iconoclastic fine artist Andres Serrano received his first cover story in Cover.

The opening reception is tonight (Oct. 1) from 6-8 p.m. There are several other related programs in the weeks ahead.

The exhibit will be up at the Library, 331 E. 10th St. between Avenue A and Avenue B, until Nov. 30.

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