Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Hep Cat T-shirt line debuts Friday night at Metropolis Vintage

Metropolis Vintage is playing host tomorrow night (Friday, Oct. 4) to friends John Holmstrom and Aid MacSpade as they launch their new Hep Cat T-shirt line.

Per the invite: Holmstrom and MacSpade "brainstormed their Hep Cat character back in the 1980s, a beatnik-style creature who loved to get high within the pages of High Times. Hep Cat seemed to have a life of his own, and his enduring popularity has now led them to produce three unique T-Shirt designs, which will be debuting at the party."

The two East Village residents will be doing a signing and hanging out for the unveiling of the ... John Holmstrom dressing room.

Holmstrom, the co-founder, editor and illustrator of Punk Magazine (and creator of the Metropolis logo), adorned the dressing room with a variety of illustrations encompassing his work with the Ramones as well as other publications...

[Sales associate Skeleton Boy checks out the new dressing room]

The event is from 6-9 p.m., where there's free beer and pizza and the punk-garage sounds of DJ Drew Redmond.

Metropolis is at 803 Broadway between 11th Street and 12th Street.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Q-and-A with John Holmstrom, founding editor of Punk Magazine

John Holmstrom on the CBGB movie and the East Village of 2013

A visit to Metropolis Vintage on Broadway

1 comment:

  1. I wanna shoot some coke and dope in the HepCat bathroom and make Metropolis call the 9th Pct. to get me outta the bathroom.


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