Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Pure Green-Wattle Cafe combo storefront shutters on 2nd Avenue

[Photos by Steven]

Last Wednesday, we noted that the Pure Green space was for rent at 152 Second Ave. between Ninth Street and 10th Street, with landlord Icon Realty hanging a large for-rent sign — complete with arrow — above the storefront.

Over the weekend, Pure Green, along with Wattle Cafe and the I.V. Doc, the other two businesses that shared the space, went dark.

Pure Green, which has multiple NYC locations, opened here in March 2017.

According to the Icon website, the space has an asking rent of $18,000 per month.

1 comment:

  1. No offense meant to the business owners, but no matter what goes into this space, I won't patronize it b/c it's an Icon building. I don't want my money going to Icon in any way whatsoever.


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