Foundation work continues for the 9-story office building coming to 143 E. Houston St. between Eldridge and Forsyth ... at night, the site looks like the bombed-out ruins of a building...
The property was home for 17 years to the five-screen Landmark Sunshine Theater. The Sunshine closed two years ago today — Jan. 21, 2018.
East End Capital and K Property Group, who bought the property for $31.5 million in the spring of 2017, are putting in the office complex with retail space. The links below have more details on what has transpired and what's to come.
And look back at the space in December 2017...

Previously on EV Grieve:
• Sunshine Cinema-replacing office building moving forward; demolition watch back on
• Discarded theater seats and goodbyes at the Sunshine Cinema
• The 9-story boutique office building coming to the former Sunshine Cinema space
• A celebratory ad on the purchase of 139 E. Houston St., current home of the Sunshine Cinema
• The boutique office building replacing the Sunshine Cinema will be 'unbounded by walls' with an outdoor space called Houston Alley
Heartbreaking this was allowed.
Ugh. You think they would of kept the facade at least. Keep some character and style in the neighborhood rather than another bland, boring, cheap glass box but oh so "luxurious" construction. Undoubtedly cheaper to not work around it; profit and bottom line trumps all.
Thank you Community Board for denying Alcohol License from a Cinema
This is the most enraging of the many civic tragedies to befall our nabe in recent years. Fuck you so much, community board and villainous developer, for killing this great business and glorious piece of architectural history.
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