[Photo by Daniel]
Workers came in yesterday and removed all the rims from the Tompkins Square Park basketball courts...

[Photos by Steven]

This comes after reports of too many people playing basketball this past weekend — without anyone practicing social distancing. (One reader witnessed someone spraying a ball with Lysol.) The reader also noted the presence on Sunday afternoon of the NYPD midcourt...

EVG correspondent Steven spotted one resident, out for a bit of exercise, not minding the absence of a hoop...

"Now I never miss."
These are the same kinds of people that have led to police shutting down parks all over Europe. Some folks feel like they are somehow immune to a virus that can infect anyone that comes within a few feet of an infected person. And it’s not just the entitled rich people who are fleeing to the Hamptons and bringing the virus with them, it’s anyone who can't seem to follow one simple instruction to just stay home and stay away from other people Just stop this behavior before they close down all of the public spaces. And do these rocket scientists really think that spring Lysol on a ball that touches everyone else’s sweaty hands, not to mention the ground, is really going to help? There’s a reason why so many NBA players tested positive. Athletes are natural virus spreaders; when one member of the team gets sick, they all do.
The nets at the east river tennis courts taken down too. A shame, I was enjoying playing with one glove on to touch the balls and being 50 feet away from a partner...
It's sad that the city needs to use resources to take the nets down. You would think that knowing you might die would be motivation enough.
We all need to make sacrifices right now. If staying inside for a few months will reduce the infection rate, so be it. Many are selfish and reckless. They want what they want, especially in the midst of a pandemic. Look, we all have to look after one another and ourselves. Social distancing is an actual thing we should abide by for the safety of one another. Get your priorities in order. Take a long walk if you need fresh air or want exercise. Or you can do a number of exercises from home. I think the removal of the nets is a smart idea. I am surprised the parks aren't entirely shut down, which would keep others from getting ill. There could be a curb to this, but we need to heed the advice of medical experts and professionals in the frontlines. We stay inside and listen, we could be able to resume some shred of normalcy. If not, the infection rate will rise through the roof. Stay home. Sounds pretty simple to me.
There was a crew that was making a point of playing pickup games. At one point they seemed to have a social distanced game of round robin going but that broken down and turned into 20 or so paling around on the courts. A shame because solo shooting would be good to get some outside time but inevitable. In a city this large there are going to be some idiots.
Hoops still up at courts next to dry dock pool
Time to put the old Nerf hoop on the closet door.
The same issue is happening at the schoolyard on Attorney Street. How do we get the hoops there removed please?
I’m just waiting for the first coronavirus flash mob at Grand Central Station, or a CoronaCon pub crawl, because we all know the SantaCon organizers and bar owners will be trying to figure out a creatively repugnant way to profit off of this tragedy.
People need to just pretend they are laid up with broken leg or some other ailment and stay home for a few weeks, otherwise we will be in this situation for a very long time. But some people will never learn. On the west coast they are using police helicopters to chase people out of parks. Even people who have tested positive are being caught breaking quarantine, so you just might pick up a viral Infection the next time you play that pick up game. Just pretend that everyone else is infected and act accordingly.
PS: Jimmy Dolan, the owner of the NY Knicks, tested positive for Coronavirus. If you still think you are immune and can play games in the park, you really aren’t paying attention.
Hoops at dry dock, people playing and kids in playground, reported to 311 multiple times......
Finally taking down hoops from dry dock park, sad watching the kids play till the last hoop down.....like do their parents not explain.....being a kid is wanting to play. This whole CV19 really horrible in so many ways. today is my first day freaking out a bit. OY VEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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