Spotted on Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue by William Klayer.
Signs telling people not to discard their disposable gloves (or masks) are needed. EVG correspondent Steven spotted these late yesterday afternoon on one block — the west side of First Avenue between Sixth Street and Seventh Street...

Used Condoms left in the street = Tired
Disposable medical gloves left in the street = Wired
Yeah but I can't walk around and use my phone with a rubber glove on!
why is that surgical mask pleated like a miniature face cummerbund ?
@2:14pm: Then stow the glove in your pocket or a paper/plastic bag. There's no reason to litter.
I was wondering where all those gloves I see all over the street were coming from. I thought it was from all the FDNY and EMT paramedics who are responding to medical emergencies who were discarding them after treating people. I have seen plenty of people with face masks on but not too many wearing those gloves.
@Anon. 3:28, that's a very rare Rat Pack Brand cummerbund, the Dean Martin Special Edition!
Well, this is a first for me. As I heard on television ,many people who are home are getting puppies. This morning on Ninth St halfway between A and First I saw a discarded used wee wee pad on the sidewalk. Someone must be training their puppy to do its business outside but too lazy to find someplace to dispose of it. What about taking a walk to the corner to a public trash receptacle!
I saw this and it sparked me to do something about it. Thanks to whomever made the sign and please spread the word and go do something if you can.
Nobody is throwing away their gloves and face masks unless they have a ton of extra free gloves and face masks. I started seeing medical waste trash all over the street about two weeks in the curb and especially in the bike lanes, which is also where the ambulances park. These gloves are most likely from EMS crews not wanting to infect their ambulances after making a call.
What this means is that there are probably a lot of EMS calls on 9th Street. Right now the StuyTown COVID-19 tracker Google map lists 20 buildings with a confirmed case. Since NYC has almost 50,000 confirmed coronavirus cases, I'm sure almost everyone's building will be affected sooner or later. Stay safe out there and wear a mask.
@ East Villager, the correct procedure to to wear gloves and surgical masks once. If you touch something infected while wearing gloves,The gloves can be infected. If you wear a mask but not gloves and touch something infected, then touch your mask before washing your hands or using a sanitizer, the mask becomes infected and by deduction transmit the virus to your face.This is why medical professionals say these items are designed to wear once, the correct procedure.
StuyTown COVID-19 tracker Google map - um, is this actually a thing?
Those gloves are single use ones, and people do dump them in the streets. Maybe delivery people?
I saw Google map tracker by zip code, I doubt if you could actually see cases by buildings. Correct me if I'm wrong.
These are from EMTs. They've always left gloves behind in the street, but people might only be noticing now because there are many more ambulance calls these days. Would be nice if the street sweeper would run more often.
Alternative side parking has been suspended for weeks now, thus dirtier streets,have you not heard?
@anon 10:48, nothing to do with it and you know it.
These are all over the sidewalks.
And yes person above they park in the bike lane - AKA THE SIDE OF THE STREET.
Share the fucking street. It's the side of the road no matter what. Car there? Go around it.
I saw the Federal Express delivery guys tossing their gloves, while cleaning out their delivery van; ridiculous! 😡😤
It seems now is the perfect time to sanitize streets and perform extensive outdoor sweeping and spraying now that authorities want us to shelter. DeBlasio should be directing the sanitation dept. to provide these services on a more frequent basis.
11:51 a.m. you misapprehend the purpose of bike lanes. They are meant to be be unimpeded safety zones for cyclists. When they are blocked they become dangerous. An ambulance on call might have to occupy one. But they are not the "side of the road" for whoever wants to use them.
For those looking for the Google map that lists coronavirus cases by address in Peter Cooper and StuyTown: Go on Facebook and search for “PCVST COVID-19 Community Support and Information” You can see summaries of the posts on the group which is private. You can join the group just by telling them which building you live in (or just enter a valid PCV/StuyTown address). They update the COVID-19 tracker Google map as tenants report cases in each building. Management also posts notices on the front door of each affected buildings, but tenants have been tearing the notices down. As of today they are up to 24 affected buildings. Here are the addresses:
441 E 20th St
5 Peter Cooper Rd
4 Stuyvesant Oval
281 Avenue C
440 E 23rd St
350 1st Avenue
4 Peter Cooper Rd
524 E 20th St
330 1st Avenue
442 E 20th St
455 E 14th St
453 E 14th St
6 Peter Cooper Rd
651 E 14th St
435 E 14th St
521 E 14th St
11 Stuyvesant Oval
20 Stuyvesant Oval
240 1st Avenue
440 E 20th St
283 Avenue C
2 Stuyvesant Oval
3 Peter Cooper Rd
2 Peter Cooper Rd
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