A COVID-19 Urban Etiquette Sign spotted on the Bowery at Fourth Street.
It reads:
Dear Jogger,
Bicycle Douchebag,
Narcissist swine:
Please respect your community and the lives of others.
East Village
Thanks to EVG reader Tina Li for the photo! Also spotted the signs on Second Avenue.

I must disagree. The clueless yuppie swine do live alone: they live alone in their own private bubbles. You see them riding Citibikes and Uni-Wheels and skateboards in their flip-flops without a mask. You see them jogging huffing and puffing up and down East River Park without a mask. They don’t wear a mask because they don’t have a care in the world. And they don’t have a care in the world because they are well taken care of. Mommy and daddy and their big corporation have filled their bank accounts with enough money to make them feel invulnerable. And since they’re young and healthy and will never die, coronavirus is someone else’s problem. Old people? Who cares about old people when you yourself will never get old? Coronavirus is a problem for the little people. Leona Helmsley would be so proud.
People, read the Executive Order (202.17) The mask is recommended when you cannot maintain social distance!!!! To quote: "shall be required to cover their nose and mouth with a mask or cloth face-covering when in a public place and unable to maintain, or when not maintaining, social distance." If they are maintaining the social distance, they do not have to have a face covering.
Or because CDC recommendations do not advocate for use of a mask where we can maintain social distancing. The problem are not runners without masks. Shame on people for advocating misinformation in order to villify people they dislike. This is dangerous.
@emj and @seniya - The joggers run INCHES from your face. They don't give an F for anyone. Yes, run in the street - I'd have no problem with that. But they weave in and out on the sidewalk and are NOT DISTANCING. I experience it every time I go out. Whoever did this - PLEASE POST MORE!!!!!
When the jogger huffs past you on the sidewalk, or the cyclist whizzes by you within 2 feet, they're not maintaining social distance. That's the problem.
Most new transmissions are probably happening along Hudson River Park and other jogging paths where you see this selfish and/or self-injurious behavior. https://www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-covid19-runners-6-feet-slipstream-bikers-20200409.html
yeah, wear a mask.
Did you ever do something you didn't have to do? Like something for somebody else, something that doesn't really put you out all that much but could save somebody else's life. A small act that didn't have you as the sole beneficiary, a minor inconvenience to make other people more comfortable and safe during a pandemic where they are burying your neighbours in mass graves in the park,something decent for your fellow man that the Government didn't have to make a law to make you do.A simple act of common decency and respect for others around you. Stop quoting executive orders and being a pedant and wear a mask when you are in public because you live in a city where you are not always able to maintain the correct distance from everyone at all times. Is that clear enough for you. Be a good person, be human.
Masks are not an adequate substitute for social distancing. And people need to stop touching their effing masks all the time, because that defeats their (minimal) purpose.
If someone is passing you and neither of you are pausing, there is almost zero chance that you'll get anything from them.
And before anyone asks or assumes, I do wear a mask. Not because I believe it does much of anything, but it makes others feel better and there is that slight chance of it doing good
See this is what Americans don't get compared to other countries.
PSA: I am a jogger without a mask. I work on an airborne infectious disease. There is no need to wear a mask as long as you maintain distance. Furthermore, if you've been in isolation for over 6 weeks (and wear a mask whenever indoors) like me, the chances of having SARS-CoVi-2 are slim to none. And as we learned from the Dept of HHS, natural UV light from the sun kills the virus quickly. Finally, if YOU'RE wearing a mask when someone goes past you without one, you are fine. The most important thing you can do is not touch your face and wash your hands as soon as you get inside.
East River Park was packed today, and while many people were wearing masks, most of the joggers were not. A police car was blasting a message telling people to stay 6 feet apart, but in some places it was so crowded that was impossible. And guess who the cops decided to crack down on? A mother and daughter, both wearing masks and gloves, selling Girl Scout cookies. The cops told them to leave, but not before I picked up a few boxes of thin mint cookies.
The cops also went after the dozen or so dog walkers who climbed through the fence at the 10th Street baseball field along with their pooches. I saw them giving these people long lectures but not handing out any tickets. Guess what? The same people are climbing though the gap in the fence every single day. Maybe it time to fix the fence.
There were big crowds in Central Park and on the Brooklyn waterfront today. The local politicians are getting pretty pissed off about it too. People are really blowing it. If this doesn’t stop the parks will get shut down.
Having been so long gone from my old studio in the neighborhood--East Third St. between B & C--and the state since 1998, it's sad and chilling just seeing the background of that photo, even tho I'm aware of how much it's changed. But seeing that typo-free, eloquent statement on a street posting fills me with vivid, irreplaceable memories of my adopted city and the dear friends I found there as I found my truest self. I know the city will survive in some fashion, but my heart screams for those lost unnecessarily to willful ignorance and greed and criminal govt. incompetence. Nothing and no one will ever be the same.
The joggers are driving me crazy. East River Park is a relatively narrow park and when I take a walk, I feel so stressed out trying to listen for the sound of pounding feet behind me so I can move out of the way of the next sweaty, panting jogger too blissed out on endorphins and earpods to circle around me. Enough! Wear an effing mask!!
I run weekly and I wear a balaclava. I'd estimate that a full one-third of people I see are not wearing any facial covering. Who are those people? They are equally bikers, runners, but mostly walkers. All shapes, sizes, ages, background. I try to assume they are within the same family unit but I know they aren't.
It's frustrating as a runner to have all this hate being focused on this one activity when the majority offenders are walking around everywhere. And I don't mean bandana pulled down coz the sidewalk is empty. They don't even have one around their necks. No care in the world. That's what's frustrating- it's the PEOPLE ignoring safety precautions, not the health activity they do once or twice a week. They are normal people walking around daily getting groceries, etc. without a mask. Selfish morons of all types. How do they not even know someone who has died of Covid-19 at this point? How can they as humans not have a sense of responsibility to do such a tiny thing as wearing a mouth covering? It boggles my mind.
What about people who are not only not wearing a mask but smoking as well
You might not know this until you breath in secondhand smoke through your
Mask.I have encountered 2 per 2 blocks the past 4 times I was out.
First, I noticed more joggers are wearing masks lately, so props to those who are making the effort. You don't need to wear a heavy duty N95 type mask where you'd possibly pass out wearing it while running, a bandana or cloth helps enough. Yeah, it's not going to block 100% but is much better than using nothing.
If you refuse to wear one, stay the f away from other people. Do not jog where you know it will be crowded. Do not run right next to pedestrians on the sidewalk when you have an empty road or the other side of the street has barely any people and then later blame pedestrians in these chats for not all aligning as far to one side as possible so you can have 3/4 of the sidewalk to run. There are far more of us sick of your selfish BS, we're just not going to start random fights on the sidewalk but assume most people you pass closely are registering what you look like and putting you on their local selfish douchebags list in their head.
Yeah, it spreads through the air more effectively in enclosed spaces, but someone huffing out huge breaths several feet from you when the wind isn't simultaneously blasting in another direction isn't going to be exceptionally different. Also, it takes time to kill the virus via UV light, it's not instantaneous. The type of UV that kills it quickest, UVC, does not reach us here on the surface. You can buy UVC lights but they're meant for indoor use, not carrying around outside.
Why split hairs if wearing a face covering just might save a life or two? Why? You cannot do something as simple as that for someone’s mother, child or grandparent? Shame on you.
A word to the wise. When trying to convince someone to do something, you will typically have better results if you don't begin by calling them a douchebag.
Everyone’s health aside(!) what’s at stake for the joggers here that is so darn important they can’t be slowed or inconvenienced by a mask? An Olympic medal? Or a participation medal for grownups who can finish a 5K?
Thank you for setting a good example!
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