There has been a lot of debate over wearing masks in public.
Gov. Cuomo issued an executive order, which went into effect at 8 p.m. on April 17, stating that every New Yorker must "wear a mask or a face covering when out in public and in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained, such as on public transportation."
Not everyone is adhering to this, of course (Gothamist has more about it in this post) ... which has prompted COVID-19 Urban Etiquette Signs like this one. We've heard about some public shaming incidents in which mask-wearing residents will scold people without masks.
Meanwhile, one man took the mask policing to a rather dangerous level on Saturday afternoon on Second Avenue. In the short clip below posted to Twitter via @fashionweak, the man can be heard yelling "Where is your mask?" as he lunges at Citi Bikers riding outside the bike lane between Ninth Street and 10th Street. The bikers swerve and speed up to avoid the man. (Thankfully there wasn't any vehicular traffic at this time.) He appears to be filming these encounters as well ...
Anyone else catch this man yelling at bikers today? pic.twitter.com/WO50ZDaMV5— steph castro (@fashionweak) April 26, 2020
According to @fashionweak, the man was stationed on Second Avenue for nearly five minutes yelling at various bikers who weren't wearing masks. He moved on after an argument with a passerby, who apparently called the NYPD.
Lunatics. If you're sick or that afraid, stay home.
ReplyDeleteHe’s neither; he’s angry.
DeleteEveryone should be informed enough at this point, given all we are learning about transmission, to electively wear a facial covering when walking around, jogging, running, and biking. If you ride to an open area where you can easily social distance, feel free to temporarily remove your mask. The idea that hundreds if not thousands of people are running around as irresponsible carriers of the virus and spewing their droplets everywhere is horrifying. Even if the possibility is a remote one, have a little fucking courtesy and WEAR A FACIAL COVERING. Is it that difficult to be compliant? I don't like wearing one either, but I do it EVERY SINGLE TIME I go outside. Just do it. It feels like they are defying the order because they are above the threat BUT THEY ARE THE THREAT.
ReplyDeletePeople are going to break the rules which is unfortunate but a reality in a city of 8m people. No one here broke the rules as far as I can tell, the order says to wear a facemask when you can't socially distance and biking is generally a socially distant activity. Wearing facemasks is largely a marketing exercise, it promotes awareness and, yes, if you're sick will potentially lower the risk of spreading. It won't stop you contracting the disease.
ReplyDeleteThat guy has no place running around like that.
“If you’re sick..” the point is, you can be a carrier without having symptoms yourself. You may not be “sick”, but your droplets can still be lethal to someone else.
Delete“If you’re sick..” the point is, you can be a carrier without having symptoms yourself. You may not be “sick”, but your droplets can still be lethal to someone else.
DeleteWhich is why when you can’t be socially distant, you should wear one. Supermarkets, pharmacies, yes. It is not a reasonable to be angry about people outside not wearing masks. You can take effective measures to stay away from people. The mask police are getting tiresome now - were they this bothered before the CDC u-turned only a couple of weeks ago?
DeleteHow about the damn runners, so self entitled!
ReplyDeleteSomeone called the police? I hope the police reprimanded the asshole bike riders.
ReplyDeleteFor what?
Delete@8:15 AM
ReplyDeleteThe longer people allow themselves to be exposed to this virus the more likely they will spread it and prolong the pandemic which means the longer we stay at home, are out of work and most importantly more will die. Those without mask are lunatics and I can only assume you won't wear a mask either.
And this, dear reader, is why California has declared pot stores and farms essential businesses. To balance out the gun shops.
ReplyDeleteIs there a civil penalty for not wearing a mask? Or for the nice day sidewalk happy hours drunkenly flaunting lack of social distancing? If so a ticket quota could raise needed revenue.
Hope he runs into the selfish people not only NOT wearing Masks ,but SMOKING as they stroll or stand while you have to pass or dash in another direction when an unexpected whiff penetrates your mask.! Unfortunately I have encountered this every time I have to go out on every block and more then once 2 smoking per block.BE WARY you can’t see if someone is wearing a mask much less Smoking as you are approaching from behind
ReplyDeleteThis is outrageous. The bikers are complying with the order, which only mandates that people wear masks when unable to maintain social distancing requirements. The only person endangering anyone here is this rage-filled lunatic (who, in addition to menacing these bikers and putting them at risk of a potentially serious injury, is violating the social distancing order himself). This guy isn’t concerned about public safety. He just wants an excuse to be angry at people.
DeleteYes, this is more than a little crazy BUT I know exactly how he feels every time someone comes plowing down the side walk or running behind me not wearing a mask.
ReplyDeleteThe entitled people, who are so self involved that they don't want to follow the rules, would probably be devastated if their phone got a virus and it destroyed their social media accounts. It would LITERALLY ruin life.
Sad Reality... 12000 people dead in NYC and alot of people just don't care. I don't think that will change unless they take a big gulp of corona air and get sick or kill off their grandma. Then it will definitely be a matter of finding someone to blame and a lot of whining.
The parents are to blame. Lack of morals and compassion is something learned. One would hope they would grow out of it but it will never happen.
Where is HIS mask?
ReplyDelete"The bikers are complying with the order, which only mandates that people wear masks when unable to maintain social distancing requirements."
What the hell?!?! Which order are you saying?!?! Obviously, when you stop at the red lights (assuming you would stop), you won't be able to maintain the social distancing rule with other bikers. When you bike, you can't always maintain that distance too. It's a narrow bike path. That guy deserved to be angry. The people that think that they don't need to wear face masks while they are walking, running, biking in public space are SELFISH.
Do any of you folks actually ride bikes? I went for a half hour bike ride this afternoon, as I sometimes do. Mask was under my chin for the ride, pulled up properly as soon as - before, actually - I stopped for a purchase on the way home. I didn't come within six feet of anyone face to face. There was no need to. If this fool had come b rushing out into the street at me,as he rushed at the folks in the video, he might have gotten that close, sure. But he would also have been endangering me by doing so.
Delete@11:55 put on your glasses, he is wearing a mask. I personally also am annoyed with people not wearing a mask and talking on their cells or two or more people talking to each other while walking down narrow sidewalks. I guess that is asking a lot of people but I wish some people would try to put themselves in the other person's shoes, but I guess, if you are blind, you are blind.
ReplyDelete"This is outrageous. The bikers are complying with the order, which only mandates that people wear masks when unable to maintain social distancing requirements. The only person endangering anyone here is this rage-filled lunatic (who, in addition to menacing these bikers and putting them at risk of a potentially serious injury, is violating the social distancing order himself). This guy isn’t concerned about public safety. He just wants an excuse to be angry at people."
ReplyDeleteThis. People on bikes aren't getting close to you. Pretty much the same for runners, most people on the street give you a wide berth.
Worry about people sitting next to you on the subway, or standing in line with you, or talking to you.
Okay, people, the mask requirement will be lifted in about two weeks, and you can then go back to complaining about what you usually complain about.
ReplyDelete@ 11:55 AM
ReplyDeleteWatch the video. He's wearing a mask. I think I know him and it's in character.
This clip is way too short.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely moving out of here first chance I get. This place used to be cool now it's somehow filled with disgustingly straight, conservative and mainstream type fools.
ReplyDeleteJust wear a mask. Look up Taiwan and how they have successfully handled the virus - one of the things they do is wear a mask - sick or not.
ReplyDeleteAlso, spitting in public should be avoided. I actually saw a dude on a citibike that spat and it was disgusting.
Struggling to understand the vitriol around bikers and runners not wearing facemasks. Stay out of the bike lane for a start?
ReplyDeleteFacemasks are not an antidote, they aren't even readily available for the masses and if you think wearing sewn jeans on your face is an effective remedy then do some further reading.
If you are that angry about the public not wearing masks while on the streets, stay out of their way as best you can or just don't leave your apartment.
Your face coverings are not medical. Your little bandana does nothing. If that makes you feel safe, you should stay home because it is not keeping you safe, that is science. If you're wearing your face covering, what are you so freaked out about or do you know that it does nothing anyway?
ReplyDeleteI'd prefer to not be exposed to your cell phone radiation 24 hours a day. you all have been very selfish for a long time with your cellphone radiation privilege.
Masks are not necessary outside, distance is - so give up already.
ReplyDeleteThe gut emotional response that some people have show that there’s something much more going on than mere civic-mindedness. It’s more like, “If I’m going to wear this thing, you‘d better too, you’re making me look foolish!”
I wonder if that guy knows that many of the Citibikers are actually healthcare workers who have started using Citibikes instead of public transportation. via NY1:
ReplyDelete“Citi Bike confirms its ridership is down, too. But it is also seeing a new pattern in usage.
Its most popular docking stations are now at hospitals instead of transportation hubs like Penn Station and Grand Central.
The big medical centers along First Avenue in Manhattan are now the most popular destinations of all. That's welcome news, in a way, for bike advocates.
"The last thing we want is extra exposure to or from the medical staff. We need to keep those folks moving and we need to keep them safe. So let's not have a tired doctor get on the subway after a long shift,” said John Orcutt with Bike NY.
It’s possible more medical staffers are likely to bike to work in the coming weeks. Mayor de Blasio has announced a free month of Citi Bike membership for the first responders, healthcare and transit workers on the front lines of the pandemic.
Do you eat out of serving dishes at dinner parties? Well, now our air is like that. Just wear the mask and maybe save someone’s life...is it that hard? Jeez!
ReplyDeletebig city/basic statistics---80% will follow rules 20% will not---the 20% should be reduced because of the seriousness
ReplyDeleteof the event---having-said-that---REPUBLImorons don't believe there is a problem---so ill informed ANARCHY for now :(
@1:11 PM
ReplyDeleteI you're that worried about cellphone radiation - and for that matter broadcast TV, radio and the electric grid - the solution is simple:
Tinfoil hat.
Do you eat out of serving dishes at dinner parties? Well, now our air is like that.
ReplyDeleteNo, it’s not. If the virus was passing between every two people that ever passed each other a few feet apart on the street, there would be millions of cases in NYC alone.
Inside a store, of course, wear the mask. Outside? Not me, I’ll continue to confine my shopping trips to early am, no problem maintaining distance then.
The bikers are all over the avenue, not even in their lane, so why expect them to
ReplyDeletewear a face covering ?
With no face covering, whatever they spew out will stay in the air
for everyone else for about three hours.
Such lack of consideration.
The order with the caveat "in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained", went into effect 1 week after nyc peaked at the covid-19 hospitalizations curve. We've gotten past the curve without the mask requirement. Some people think that the extra mask gives them more protection, and want to force this imaginary idea on the rest of us. Relax people. We're on our way out of this mess. Let's think logically.
ReplyDeleteWhy the pushback? I am baffled. Are masks painful to wear?
ReplyDeleteSo you may only (and not even definitely) help save someone's life or health, or even just make the lives of healthcare workers a bit easier. Is your own slight discomfort not worth this, even as a possibility???
Seriously, I'm trying to understand.
Notice--healthcare workers wear masks outside.
I think I actually have a bigger issue with those guys on the citibikes NOT being on the BIKE LANE... i think that should be the issue here? Are they allowed to bike on the main lane?! Yeah I know there are much less cars on the road right now, but still? Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteYes, they are allowed to bike outside the bike lane. They may bike outside the bike lane anytime they decided it safer to do so. And one of the things that makes the bike lanes dangerous is pedestrians stepping off the curb without looking, allowing their dog to step off the curb, etc.
ReplyDeleteI'm noticing NYers are beginning to lose their minds like in the movie "The Crazies".
ReplyDeleteMasks FYI can’t stop the speed of this virus. So dumb. They only can prevent droplets coming out when you’re talking or coughing. Sooner or later everyone will be exposed. Economy needs to be restarted soon or it will lead to far bigger issues
ReplyDelete“Economy needs to be restarted or it lead to far bigger issues”
ReplyDeleteUm, bigger than nearly *3000* New Yorkers dead now each week??
Just wondering if the mask resisters are the same children who fought with mommy when mommy told them to put on their hats and gloves when it was twenty degrees and snowing outside
ReplyDeleteWow so many irate commenters today! The only person not socially distancing in the video is the moron running in the street. Jaywalking might I add. Cyclists are absolutely allowed to use the vehicle lanes. Your bandana coverings are not doing much. Washing your hands, not touching your face, and keeping apart help more. Just like with a cold. And droplets don't stay in place in the air for 3 hours. See how ridiculous that sounds? Runners aren't evil, they're just walking very fast. Cyclists are just using available transport. If we got rid of free street parking for private vehicles, then we'd all have an extra lane and plenty of room to socially distance. Walkers shouldn't complain about having to get out of the way- because they shouldn't be walking in the middle of the damn sidewalk like they own the neighborhood! See how that works?
ReplyDeleteThere now. Did I cover it all? People have seriously lost their minds today!
Thanks for saying such sensible things. It's not the air outside that is dangerous it's being near other people.
Delete@6:02pm: You seem to be having issues with obeying the law. Masks are such an OBVIOUS thing to wear, it's incredible to hear people say they're useless or not valuable.
ReplyDeleteYES, masks are important - so important they're a no-brainer for nearly all of us! A mask is cheap and, in case you don't know (which you clearly don't!), A MASK GIVES YOU MORE PROTECTION. If you can't understand that or figure out how/why a mask gives you more protection, then your ability to think logically is seriously in question.
The anti-mask brigade seems to be accusing the mask-wearers of thinking the mask gives them false security by wearing one. That is NOT why we wear them. We are wearing them to keep OTHERS from possibly being infected by the spittle that comes out of our mouths. How is that not clear yet? You wear a mask out of consideration for other people, not for yourself. It depresses me to know there are so many selfish people out there who care nothing for their fellow neighbors.
ReplyDeleteThere’s no “anti-mask brigade”.
ReplyDeleteIt’s pro-choice. No one’s forcing you to take your mask off, just keep your opinions inside it.
@9:47am: I'm wearing a mask for TWO reasons: I don't want to breathe anyone else's exhale, and I don't want anyone else breathing my exhale. Win-win.
ReplyDeleteWalk for run right by me without a mask? Wrong. Walk or run while giving me space? IDGAF. That's totally fine. Leave people alone if they're not being rude or coming at you.
ReplyDeleteAh, there it is - the "pro-choice" BS. Your choice is hurting and killing other people.
ReplyDeleteTo all the people asking what is so hard about wearing a mask: it is very difficult to breathe while running with fabric covering your mouth and nose (I don’t bike, so I can’t give an opinion on that). If people are maintaining social distancing outside (and therefore complying with the order) they shouldn’t be shamed for not wearing while exercising. I personally run in the street without a mask. I don’t think this is being selfish or irresponsible.
ReplyDeleteWell, if you don’t care about a collective effort to save thousands of lives at the sake of your own minor discomfort...there’s not much more to say.
ReplyDeleteAnyone scared of dying should lock themselves in their room forever. This disease really brought out the latent fascists. And for the record, I do wear a mask outside, but calm down. People are dying because a bad (but not world ending) disease was mishandled from the outset.
ReplyDeleteAlso a disturbing number of people here who don't really understand the goals and gameplans of what is going on. Flatten the curve and social distancing don't shorten this mess, they elongate it as a cost to the benefit of making sure hospitals don't overflow. Social distancing doesn't eradicate this nor does it speed things up. This would be over a lot quicker if we let it ravage the population but we aren't doing that for obvious reasons. However if you defend what we're doing by saying it should make things go faster than you just don't understand your own argument.
I wish he would go after the joggers on the sidewalks. They're the ones that are the real problem.
ReplyDeleteNobody likes exercising wearing a mask, but we need to adjust this in order to stop the spreading. If you still want to run, just follow the rules. I also run but I don’t like wearing a mask when I run so I decided to alternate my workout.
@2:37 I'm a runner also and I suggest you buy a runners balaclava online. They are great for the winter too, warming your breath so your lungs don't feel like popsicles. If you can't breathe through it, you're running too hard! Haha
ReplyDelete@5:00 The runner IS following the rules- by running in the street away from people. Which is quite dangerous to their own safety. So give them credit where credit is due. The rules require a covering not a mask.
Uhm, just one little clarification. Pedestrians always have the right of way in any lane in nyc.
ReplyDelete@10:03 Please don't make up laws. Per code:
ReplyDelete"S 1152. Crossing at other than crosswalks. (a) Every pedestrian
crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or
within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right of
way to all vehicles upon the roadway."
Go back and read what I wrote. Then when you think you've got it, read it again. Here in NYC we are under constant attack by people quoting b.s.. Precedents have been set over and over again.In NYC, pedestrians always have the right of way.As they should.
DeleteA second employee of Trader Joe’s died from the virus. He worked at the store on Columbus and 92nd Street which is a less crowded store than most. Trader Joe’s was slow to implement safety policies for workers, but the fact is they still let too many shoppers in the store at one time and do not offer delivery or curbside pickup since that will increase their costs and prices. Ironically, it is members of the same demographic which shops at Trader Joe’s who also refuse to wear masks.
ReplyDeleteThank you to the person who runs in the street. I really appreciate that someone actually is looking out for other people and not making excuses.
ReplyDeleteIt's a question of what's a reasonable reaction and what's not. Yes, you are entitled to be pissed at someone getting in your way if they aren't wearing a mask. It's not reasonable to be mad at people in general not wearing masks in the open air. In unventilated, enclosed places, for sure it should be mandatory. The guy in the video was acting like a fool and if he had come up to me he would have gotten an earful.