Any hungry East Village resident in need of a free meal during the COVID-19 outbreak can pick one up at one of several local public schools.
The city has been offering free grab-and-go meals for any resident Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. since the beginning of April.
Per the NYC Department of Education website: The Meals Hubs will operate for children and families from 7:30 a.m to 11:30 a.m., and for adults without children from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (There is no need to prove residency or bring any other form of ID.)
Local schools offering free meals include:
• P.S. 19 Asher Levy, 185 First Ave. between 11th Street and 12th Street
• P.S. 64, 600 E. Sixth St. at Avenue B
• P.S. 63/the Star Academy, 121 E. Third St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue

The meal features an assortment of sandwiches or wraps, a vegetable, piece of fruit and milk. (There's a daily menu here.)
At P.S. 64, where Stacie Joy shared these photos, only two people are allowed inside at a time — one at the food baskets and one downstairs waiting.

A few months ago people were lining up to get their fix ofcthe latest food fad. Now we’ve got people lining up just to get free food. Things are changing rapidly. Howard Schultz, who started Starbucks just said 40% of small businesses will not survive without massive help from the government, help which isn’t coming soon enough if it’s coming at all. I have long wondered when New York would eventually return to the 80s and 90s when so many stores were closed and people were fleeing the city. If this coronavirus drags on into the winter and into 2021 with a second and third wave, I think we’ve reached that point.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know where people can get free meals on weekends? I have encountered homeless people on the weekends who need help and don't know where to go.
ReplyDelete@Giovanni...well, at least short Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina will survive if employees and customers show up. Sadly they will probably pay a higher the price down the road
ReplyDeleteIt's horrendous that the elderly people living at Sirovich Center were going hungry at the same time this free food was available 5 days a week, and literally across the street from Sirovich.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if anyone is following up on the Sirovich situation.
Meals for adults are not being served at P.S 19. Since students are in the building we are only serving students