Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Whistling in Tompkins Square Park with Michael Lydon

You may have seen — or at least heard — longtime East Village resident Michael Lydon in the ballfields in Tompkins Square Park. He's the guy whistling.

He has recently been practicing his whistling — from a safe and social distance from others.

EVG contributor Stacie Joy caught up him on Monday in the Park...

For a sampling...

Lydon and his wife, composer Ellen Mandel, are active in the local community, performing at Middle Collegiate Church, St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, Third Street Music School Settlement as well as the Tompkins Square Park Christmas tree lighting, among other venues.


  1. My friend/neighbor Michael Lydon, aside from being "The Handsomest Man in the World," is also a brilliant writer, musician, and one of the nicest people I know.

  2. Michael is the best! What great whistling - through a mask, yet. I'm sure Michael knows, but some readers might not, that "Over the Rainbow" was written by Yip Harburg, a former student of PS 64, a stone's throw from where Michael stands. He and his wife Ellen are neighborhood treasures.

  3. Thank you for posting this. It's good to hear and partially see an old friend enjoying and spreading some good vibes!


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