Another COVID-19 Urban Etiquette Sign... this one on First Avenue between First Street and Second Street...

The sign's author writes:
Selfish joggers
who jog on this
block without
masks be warned —
We value the
lives of our
neighbors and
will throw stuff
on you from our
Joggers are definitely annoying but the chance of outside contraction of COVID is basically nonexistent. These fliers are ludicrous.
Just wear a mask.Its more of a gesture to the public.
I assume you are working on the front lines of this Pandemic so we should all take your advice?
The chance of outside contraction of Covid-19 in basically nonexistent? Tell that to New Orleans, which had a huge outbreak after Mardi Gras. We also saw what happened after Spring Break in Florida, and coronavirus cases have been traced to sporting events and theme parks. Disneyland has been traced to several measles outbreaks in the past. We have known since the 1918 pandemic that outdoor viral spread and infection is a major issue. This is from the Washington Post:
“On the afternoon of Sept. 28, 1918, about 200,000 people crammed onto the sidewalks in Philadelphia to watch a two-mile parade snake through downtown in the midst of World War I. Billed as the city’s largest parade ever, it featured military planes and aggressive war-bond salesmen working the crowds, in scenes that graced the front pages of the evening papers.
But readers who flipped toward the back of the Evening Bulletin might have stumbled on an unsettling headline: In the last 24 hours, 118 people in Philadelphia had come down with a mysterious, deadly influenza, which was quickly spreading from military camps to civilians amid a worldwide pandemic.
“If the people are careless, thousands of cases may develop and the epidemic may get beyond control,” the city’s health commissioner, Wilmer Krusen, said in the 1918 article, according to the Philly Voice.
He was the same person who, just a day earlier, allowed to go forward what is now known as the deadliest parade in American history. In doing so, he ignored the advice of medical professionals who urged him to cancel the parade or risk an epidemic.
Within three days, every bed in the city’s 31 hospitals was filled. There were thousands of influenza patients.”
Several joggers have coughed, then spit over their shoulders and in front of me, and that’s another reason why wearing a mask and social distancing are important. And why won’t some people at least make the effort to wear a mask around their neck in case they come close to other people? The level of entitlement and disregard for other people which we are seeing now is astounding.
Dear Unknown: You are grossly incorrect. The hard expelling of air reaches far more than six feet. Community contagion is very real. Please wear a mask.
Dear Grieve,
This is not an "etiquette" sign. Why do you keep amplifying this kind of scapegoating & othering? A couple of days ago, an older-middle-aged guy chased me down the street screaming that I'm a b***h and a c**t and threw a bag of dog poop at me, claiming my dog had pooped in front of his building and he watched me leave it there. Absolutely untrue. I was assaulted with dog poop because of the entitlement so many in this neighborhood feel, where going after random younger people for no good reason is seen like something they're entitled to do. I've lived here for 14 years now and have received plenty of such entitled & aggressive behavior.
He also got in my face, screaming and threatening me, without wearing a mask. Numerous older people & non-joggers don't wear masks. Is the entitled 1st Ave vigilante going to assault them as well, or only younger people who they don't want in their neighborhood? I think the answer is clear.
What purpose does it serve to post these rants against joggers or citi bikers (as if "true New Yorkers" didn't use them)? Please reconsider / be aware of what kind of attitude you're encouraging, even though I'm sure that's not your intention. I think some of your posts go against your "scaremongering" rule and in fact encourage violence.
Last night I convinced myself to watch a piece of news last night, oh lord... well Dr Sanjay Gupta says when your running the burst of air, virus can travel 12 feet or more because you are breathing harder. He says wear a mask to respect others during these challenging times. Its not only the elderly who get the virus. Be humane, wear a mask !! Also can call/write 311 has a covid complaint section about over crowding, running w.o. mask etc. supposedly Cuomo gets these reports. Be safe, do something you enjoy, stay out of your head as much as possible unless you are having good thoughts, laugh, cry....
Paz y Luz, Prayers and good vibes to all !!
I jog daily in a mask. Its not a big deal. It's crazy at this point that anyone would be outside without one.
Are they throwing stuff at walkers without masks also? What about runners who are walking? Or walkers that are running? Assaulting people is not okay. This is a disgusting sign and if I see it I'll take it down. Violence is not the answer.
Call 311? This is from Avenue D yesterday; neighbors being roughed up by NYPD because of not adequately "socially distancing" in front of a deli. Just a reminder to all the brave Karens & Karls out there playing vigilantes from their window or blocking the bike lanes immigrant workers use to bring you all your groceries & takeout. But maybe that's exactly what the likes of window-stuff-throwing 1st Avenue vigilante like to see happen to people of color & young people who dare exist in their neighborhood:
The privilege and lack of social consciousness are truly depressing.
NY Times had an article on this very point 2 weeks ago and spoke to one of the international authorities on the issue.
“I think relatively little Covid-19 transmission would occur outdoors, except perhaps in large crowds,” says Benjamin Cowling, a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Hong Kong and the senior author of a study published in Nature this month that looked at breathing, viral shedding and masks. “Running is good for health,” he says, “and transmission risk should be minimal, both for others, if a runner were infected, or for the runner, if they passed by infected people.”
Please clarify "stuff" with additional sign. I. can't make an informed decision.
Thank you.
Well said.
This article is three and a half weeks old now. There is so much more information out there.
Can you provide the latest information for us?
There are a lot of people coming out of this who are convinced they are the "good" guys but rest assured in 20 years when we look back at this time, they will be on the wrong side of history and it will be a nice discussion to have about how no one ever learns their lesson when it comes to mob mentality.
If you are worried about corona virus then you should not be outside. If you are enjoying this disaster because it gives you a moral high ground for your misanthropy, you are a bad person.
Very easy to jog and not go near anyone. Very hard to jog in mask.
The problem is someone running close to you, or being haphazard in general.
It is possible to understand this deeper than ONE way or THE OTHER way. Cmon.
There are downsides to wearing masks. Look em up. The jogger's just need to keep a greater distance. I think in New Orleans and spring break ppl were partying it up inside as well and being super close to each other. Can you list the scientific studies for both masks and catching it outside?
Where is it?
I have seen a ton of spitting onto sidewalks (not the gutters, mind you). This behavior is repulsive and actually hazardous. It gets a pass because the perpetrators are all men. Joggers are at least 50% petite women and a much less threatening group to assault for a much minor offense.
I saw the woman putting these up and ironically she wasn't wearing a mask. Absolute truth...
@8:57am, um... what?
Hey Lisa, the virus can travel +6ft and further OUTsIdE. The virus doesn’t just “die” immediately. It lingers around. . This is nothing new. Scientists have shared this all over the place. Look it up and get a clue.
I STILL see men spitting on the sidewalk, subway station steps, and other pedestrian areas. It's vile. It's been going on all winter and no one says a thing or puts up a sign. Much nastier and more dangerous.
Hey EVGrieve, I just want to say thank you for always letting us know what's going on in our community. Whether we agree with it or not we are informed, because of you and that is key to our existence. You have a lot of heart. THANK YOU !!!
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