[Photo by Caoimhe Ní Chonchúir]
For the second consecutive day... we were treated to an intense early evening storm (today complete with hail) ... and then a double rainbow somewhere over the photogenic ConEd Power Plant on 14th and C...

[Photo by Jeanne Krier]
And a few other views... via the BagelGuy...

... and Danny...
I Loved the crazy Storms and Rainbows!
Gorgeous photos. I went for a walk in East River Park when the rainstorm erupted. I have never been in the throws of such an intense storm. I was right below the Williamsburg Bridge. Hail began to fall while fog was all around us. I could not see anything or anyone in front of me. And the rain would not stop. Absolutely insane. Buckets of water endlessly falling. I walked home completely soaked from head to toe. My iPhone won't charge now because it was in my very wet pocket. Wow. What a storm. Just wow.
"I have set My bow in the clouds, and it shall serve as a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth" (Genesis 9:13)
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