Monday, August 10, 2020

East Village Loves Queens expands: Meet East Village Loves NYC

East Village Loves Queens continues to expand its operations to serve New Yorkers in need. This past weekend, the local residents who formed the volunteer group announced a new name, East Village Loves NYC, and a broader mission.

Here's part of their message via Instagram:

Four months ago, when this project began, our goal was to provide direct help to Queens, a community hit really bad by the pandemic. We cooked, week after week, and partnered with the amazing @hungrymonknyc to deliver over 30,000 meals to New Yorkers in need. We promised ourselves to continue working and helping our city for as long as we are needed. What we thought would last only a few weeks turned out to be much more than just a temporary project.

Fast forward 15 weeks later, and we are still here, stronger than ever, and now, we’ve got even greater plans for the city we love. Make no mistake, Queens is leaving our name, but not our hearts. Queens will always be part of our DNA, of our history. We will 100% continue helping Queens for as long as we exist!

The idea behind the name change is to show that we are now planning to serve our city as a whole, and not just part of it. Our operation is now larger and with the amazing support of our community, we are dreaming big: dreams of an organization that can lend a helping hand to all communities across the city, whether it is to cook, to paint, or to learn new languages, to play soccer, basketball or to dance together, or simply to be here and listen, when someone needs to share — dreams of a city where togetherness is what matters most.

It’s simple: we want to build bridges.

Friends, we’re EV❤️NYC, and it’s so nice to meet you! We can’t wait to show you what’s next.

This team of East Village volunteers started in late April (as EVG contributor Stacie Joy documented here). Ali Sahin, the owner of C&B Cafe on Seventh Street near Avenue B, donated his space on Mondays for the group to cook its meals for donation ... while there, they were able to prepare up to 800 meals and 100 family-size pantry packs.

By June, they had outgrown the space, and started assembling meals at the Sixth Street Community Center between Avenue B and Avenue C. In addition, the group branched out to supply meals to individuals and families living in the East Village.

And now, they have their sights on NYC.

[Photo from May by Stacie Joy]

Find out more about the group and how to donate at this link. Follow them on Instagram here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
These East Village residents are helping feed families in Queens during the COVID-19 crisis

East Village volunteers expand their outreach to feed more neighbors in need


  1. This is amazing. Wonderful people!

  2. They are awesome. God bless them!

  3. This is such awesome news. The name suits them. They are always kind and welcoming to everyone.


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