A recap from the weekend... sometime Friday night, someone (or a group?) decided to knock over the new East Village Community Fridge outside S'MAC on the northwest corner of First Avenue and 12th Street.
Three uniformed officers from the 9th Precinct put the fridge back upright. This was just the third night for the fridge out in the wild.
Unfortunately, the fall KO'd the fridge, and it is no longer working.
Said S'MAC co-owner Caesar Ekya in the comments: "And that fridge won't work now so have to find a new one. But we'll get something up and running again this week. Thanks for the donations and will update as soon as a new one is installed."

Said S'MAC co-owner Caesar Ekya in the comments: "And that fridge won't work now so have to find a new one. But we'll get something up and running again this week. Thanks for the donations and will update as soon as a new one is installed."
As we reported last Thursday, this is a project between S'MAC owners Sarita and Caesar Ekya along with East Village Neighbors, a local volunteer group, and Change Food, a social marketing nonprofit. Residents were welcome to drop off unopened food for anyone in need to take.
What is wrong with people? Come on!
Turning a refrigerator on its side or even past about a 45-degree angle means that it has to be kept off for a minimum of 24 hours to give time for the lubricating oils to redistrbute themselves properly. This is why when you buy a refrigerator the delivery people keep it as close to upright as possible.
Is this a surprise to anyone ? People are naturally perverse.
Agree totally with @Anonymous at 1:18 PM; refrigerators are sensitive equipment. (I should know; I've totaled four refrigerators in my lifetime! PS—don't tell anyone!)
Food for us starving people in these times and some pos does this?! Despicable.
RE 2:39 Who exactly is starving? Asher Levy nearby has food to go, which the homeless partake. Tompkins Park has different groups also feeding people.
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