Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Road repairs continue on 1st Avenue at 7th Street

City crews continue making repairs on First Avenue at Seventh Street this morning... following the early-morning water-main break here yesterday...
... an event that sent mucky water across Seventh Street toward Avenue A... you can see the remnants of this on Seventh Street...
Thank you to EVG reader James Rogala for the photos. 

For now, northbound traffic on First Avenue is being rerouted across Sixth Street to Avenue A.... causing some backups along the way. As a reader noted in the comments: "The drivers start honking around 3rd or 4th St. As if we haven't been tortured enough." 

Water service was also shut off in the area, causing several businesses to temporarily close.


creature said...

And, to bitch a bit more, the whistle blowing from the traffic cop on the corner of 6th and A is making me nuts.

Anonymous said...

E 7th has seen a lot of abuse lately.

Choresh Wald said...

The police department could have used an advisory digital sign addressing drivers not to take 1st Av from Houston but of course chose not to. Cops who serve in the 9th Precinct don't live here so couldn't care less about traffic congestion, noise and air pollution.

Anonymous said...

The constant honking on 6th street (especially worse when an emergency vehicle is trying to come through) is making it SO much harder to work from home.

I agree with you Choresh about the sign. It would help with the congestion.

Anonymous said...

uggg the rerouting traffic noise who knew car stereos could be THAT loud the police doing the traffic detail are clueless and in some cases make it worse

Anonymous said...

It’s a DOT issue. Stop bashing the 9th precinct.

Anonymous said...

infrastructure week!

Anonymous said...

They have an entire staff of 20 just sitting around waiting for water main breaks so they can program and rush deliver those big signs.

Giovanni said...

There was an awful caustic smell of burning plastic coming from the area which spread for several blocks. The flooded manholes in the area were all bubbling with water and smoke, looking like bubbling witches cauldrons, which is a nice metaphor for the neighborhood.

drew said...

please send a street sweeper down 7th btwn 1st and A