Thursday, March 4, 2021

Grant Shaffer's NY See

Here's the latest NY See panel, East Village-based illustrator Grant Shaffer's observational sketch diary of things that he sees and hears around the neighborhood and NYC ...  


hywel dda said...

Westside Market on 3rd Ave. carries ONLY Goya dried beans, barley, lentils etc. and mostly Goya canned beans and such. I shop there for other things but just pass by the GOYA aisles. Metropolitan Market on 2nd Ave has a similar emphasis on Goya canned & dried products. C-Town & Key Food have other brands but you have to search for them. I try to get to Dual on 1st Ave & stock up with dried stuff.

Anonymous said...

haha so true. I shudder anytime I see Goya products.

Rob D said...

Haven't bought their products since they threw in with Shitler. Never will again. I vote every time I shop.

Anonymous said...

C-Town has plenty of Goya Oh Boya products and no one there seems to care if Trump is identified with their beans or not. The shelves were well stocked this morning and I saw a few cans being lifted and dumped into the shopping carts. 1st generation Hispanic immigrants are pretty pragmatic when it comes to this.

Anonymous said...

Goya CEO is still at it with the Trump nonsense, speaking at last week's CPAP. If he wanted to quietly support the politician of his choice, there would have been no trouble. Mr. Unanue is the instigator in this scenario. He is the one who throws down the challenge at the public. People who work at his company should be pissed. This is nothing but bad business. Entitled born-wealthy clueless loudmouth know it all, just like his hero.