Sunday, March 7, 2021

Reopenings: Ladybird, Lucy's, Phebe's — and more

Several more bars-restaurants have reopened after a winter break ... several of the places closed in December when Gov. Cuomo ended indoor dining (at 25 percent) on Dec. 13. Indoor capacity is now at 35 percent. 

The recent reopenings include: 

The Ainsworth, 64 Third Ave. 

Avant Garden, 130 E. Seventh St. 

Cherry Tavern,  441 E. Sixth St.

Empellón Al Pastor, 132 St. Mark's Place at Avenue A 

Huertas, 107 First Ave.

KGB Bar,  85 E. Fourth St.

Ladybird, 111 E. Seventh St.

Lucy's, 135 Avenue A (photo of Lucy below by Lola Saénz)
The Penny Farthing, 103 Third Ave.

Phebe's, 361 Bowery at Fourth Street

Tile Bar, 115 First Ave.

... and upcoming: 

Proletariat, 102 St. Mark's Place — March 17 

Saramsam, 111 E. Seventh St. — March 17 

Superiority Burger, 430 E. Ninth St. — March 12


  1. Glad places are coming back. But wish the Open Restaurants program could be reevaluated at some point once places are back on their feet because for me facing Avenue A the noise from diners and music is taking a toll on quality of life and the idea of this being permanent without input from affected residents is a daunting problem.

  2. Great to hear! Hopefully indoor capacity is raised to at least 50% in the next week or two.

    1. Hopefully not. If so, we all be back home again by June. About 3500 new cases daily, no reason to even put it at 35%. And I see restaurants are playing math games or just bluntly breaking the capacity limit already.

  3. Grieve Thankyou so much for posting closings,outdoor dining and openings info for about a year! I'm sure everyone really appreciates it, your the Best! And Thank you for posting I ❤ Lucy
    photo she's going to ❤ it

  4. Great to see. The EV has come back to being vibrant in the evenings.

    Btw Penny Farthing on 3rd Ave has also reopened after closing in December.

  5. Look at this chart and tell me it's time to reopen widely:

    1. Do you have the chart showing where people contract COVID in New York State?

  6. Any updates on Mona's/Sophie's/Josie's?

    1. Unfortunately I haven’t heard anything. All 3 bars are still sealed up...

  7. I agree with the first poster about the noise. I am sitting in my living room right now being bombarded by the music from the restaurant on the corner of my block. I have reported it to the police at least four or five times in the last couple of weeks. They come and tell them to turn it down, and then it is on full blast a day or two later. Sometimes even an hour later. I spent months calling the restaurant and trying to reason with them before I started reporting the noise to 311, but they won't stop playing loud music in their outdoor spaces. (They are lucky enough to have two. One is on the A side, one is on the side street side.) Does anyone have any advice? Does anyone know if it is legal for them to be playing music at all in these outdoor setups? I hesitated for a long time to complain at all because I want local businesses to survive. It is hard when you live in a small apartment and can't escape the music.

  8. Have to say it was nice to see Lucy's open when I went by. As an old Sunday regular it was about the same amount of people who would usually be in there. Everyone had masks on and it just looked such a normal sunday for me when my friend used to bartend there that night. Was not overcrowded maybe 8 people in all. Two playing pool.

  9. Fantastic, looking forward to spring and a full reopening. Make sure you get vaccinated, folks!


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