Saturday, April 3, 2021

A note to dogs from the Fragile Flowers and the Struggling Young Tree on Avenue A

A note on Avenue A between 11th Street and 12th Street... 

Dear Dogs -- 

 The daffodils are coming up! 
Instead of "going"
 here, please ask 
your human to walk you 
where no plants 
 are living.

Thank you -- 

The Fragile Flowers and the Struggling Young Tree


  1. Ditto for all other plant life in the city really.

  2. To the person who wishes to keep the tree well free of dog poop and pee, check out the tree wells on 12th street btw A-B. The block association has installed parachute cord (available at Saifee Hardware & Garden @1st Ave and 7th) which keeps these earliest flowers and soon to bloom perennials safe to flower all summer long.

  3. Does anyone know who tends to this sweet patch of green space? I would love to help with upkeep and provide flowers.

  4. This is too polite for the Lower East side. The Dogs wont listen to you without some kind of attitude.

  5. Wish we could bring back "curb your dog"...

  6. Best thing to do is raise the flower bed, with boards on the outside.

  7. There’s hardly any place for dogs to go unless you take them to a park. Anyone with a dog knows it’s impossible to stop your dog from going outside. Just deal with it. Humans should pick up its poop, no excuse for that

  8. @2:26pm: This is also about PEE, which is very damaging to flowers and trees. Amazing that people are so clueless about this issue, persistently.

  9. Every morning someone apparently allows their large dog, judging by the amount of pee, probably on a long lease,to walk up a few of my steps to pee on my planters. I wonder if anyone ever considers that this is private property and would they want the same if it was their property and plants that they paid good money for. So inconsiderate! I thought of posting a sign but I very seriously doubt it would make a difference. People just don't give a sh...

  10. Cute note. But I live here and sadly it isn't dogs that are the problem with this tree bed. (I can't speak for the ones on the side streets. But people with dogs are pretty respectful when it comes to this particular one.) It is the bros who like to stomp around and destroy things and throw their trash in here. We need a note addressed to them. I can try to write it but it is probably best in the hands of someone more creative than me. Write away if that person is you!!!

  11. Writing a note to the bros is like peeing in the wind...

  12. It is the bros and the obnoxious sorority sister types tearing up everything on Avenue A when they are drunk. Every time someone puts flowers in one of these beds on Avenue A they get torn up by these people. I feel for the lovely woman who maintained this one for so many years. Some guy laid claim to it and is keeping it up now.

  13. Anyone know what happened to the tree infront of the 213 East 10th St building? It just disappeared one day when I was out of town. So many trees are disappearing in this neighborhood.

  14. IDK, there's only so much you can expect in a NYC tree well. Dogs are going to pee, and that's a natural area. If it's a nicely planted bed I would pull my dog away, and of course would never leave poop somewhere, but otherwise dogs are animals and naturally sniff around and pee. I'm only pulling a dog away if it's a real delicate garden area or a stoop or a bike, etc. A tree well every 50 feet, they exist like the dogs and you have to be realistic. People need to be thoughtful and rational on all sides.


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