Wednesday, April 7, 2021

A Penny Arcade 'History' lesson this Saturday via the Tompkins Square Library branch

Get ready for a career-spanning virtual session with Penny Arcade this Saturday afternoon via the Tompkins Square Library branch on 10th Street:

Per the Library:
We are very excited to host a performance of Penny Arcade, New York's undisputed queen of the underground, and the grande dame of downtown performance art. 

This bespoke segment created specifically for the Tompkins Square library will focus on a survey of Penny's 50-plus year residency in the East Village and her larger-than-life mentors.
The session, titled "My Life As History," is from 3-4 p.m. this Saturday. You can register here to receive the online meeting link (Zoom).

The performance is designed and directed by Steve Zehentner and Arcade, and co-hosted by the Hudson Park Library. 


  1. sold out already!

    p.s. how, exactly, does an 'online event' "sell out"?!

  2. The event link is fixed, no longer reading "sold out'! Thanks!

  3. I just registered, link works now.


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