Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Expanded C&B Cafe nearly ready

As we've been reporting, C&B chef-owner Ali Sahin is expanding his cafe into the vacant retail space — the former dry cleaners — next door here at 178 E. Seventh St. between Avenue A and Avenue B. 

The C&B team is getting closer to a grand opening of the combined storefront. EVG contributor Stacie Joy got another in-progress look...
Still to be done, the new freezer installed, the custom cabinets put up and the much-anticipated return of the record player and albums.

Ali showed Stacie the plans on his phone as he pointed out the new pass-through, the marble countertops and subway tiles...
Ali doesn't have any plans for indoor dining — just increased space for him and the team and a longer to-go counter.
You can follow C&B on Instagram for grand-opening details. 

Meanwhile, the original cafe remains open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


  1. Love love love this place. Only good wishes to Ali and his team.

  2. C&B Cafe is one of the best businesses in our community, shout out to Ali and his fantastic team

  3. if there is a nicer and more community oriented business than c&b in the area, i don't know it.


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