Thursday, May 6, 2021

Hot dog!? Crif Dogs reopens on St. Mark's Place

Crif Dogs reopened yesterday — for the first time since the PAUSE of March 2020 — here at 113 St. Mark's Place between Avenue A and First Avenue. 

The hot doggery is now in its 20th year, having debuted in 2001.

Hours: Wednesday-Sunday from 5 to 11 p.m. Find their Instagram here.

H/T Vinny & O. Old photo by EVG.


  1. So what about PDT?

  2. Crif Dogs changed hand a few years back and the quality went down faster than a anvil in a hurricane. So honestly I’m not that excited about it.

  3. Just to be different - Congratulations! Welcome Back! I'm happy. Whew, positivity is exhausting. No wonder most of you don't try it.

    1. Hahahahaha. Preach.

    2. Thank you, it’s been a tough year to get back opened, but the positivity is helpful! Hope to see you at Crif soon

  4. You're right about positivity.
    That's why it pains me so that I have to agree with anon 8:58

  5. 2ndAveSilverPantherMay 6, 2021 at 8:59 PM

    Great news! If I get another stimulus check, I'll be able to afford one of their hot dogs.


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