Saturday, May 22, 2021

Reader report: Damage from last night's revelry on St. Mark's Place

A Saturday morning report from EVG reader Allen Semanco:
A walker lies smashed by a drunken crowd of revelers, largely underage, on Saint Mark's Place last night. My neighbor used it every day for walks around the neighborhood, greeting all with a friendly smile.
The walker was locked to a bike stand, and was broken away from it here between Avenue A and First Avenue.


Giovanni said...

The bridge and tunnel crowd is back with a vengeance. I haven’t seen crowds this big in ages. Some restaurants now have double or triple the number of tables they had in the past, and still had long wait lines. You’d think the pandemic is over, but it is not, and these people better hope that the India Covid variant isn’t as bad as it looks. For perspective: worldwide, of the 3.5 million who have died so far, it took 6 months for the first 500,000 people to die from Covid, which is the same number who died in the past 6 weeks alone.

Of course people want to go out, and they should do so responsibly, but this is no time to ditch masking whenever possible. I haven't had a cold, a cough, a runny nose, the flu or a sore throat in over a year, and for me that alone is enough reason to wear one indoors or in a crowd,

Last night, after a year of New Yorkers acting responsibly there was barely a mask in site, and no social distancing at all. As I passed though a packed Washington Square Park last night, I was literally holding my breath. Most people wont get seriously ill or die, but many survivors have long haul syndrome with serious chronic health issues. Let’s do this responsibly before there is another major outbreak.

Jacob Ford said...

I’ll chip in to replace the walker if someone could get me in touch with the neighbor. Everybody calm down, this isn’t an invasion.


The bridge and tunnel frat boy trash is out in full force.

XTC said...

The walker is obviously not *smashed* nor is it lying anywhere. It has a broken wheel due to its cheapo plastic mount attachment no doubt made some place overseas.

Agree with J Ford. People are desperate to get out and it's obviously not just the B &T crowd. I've seen lots of people partying incl freaks, whites, blacks, and Hispanics of all stripes.

If anyone thinks Village nightlife will be limited to people quietly enjoying a meal al fresco then they really do need to move to a sleepy suburb.

The virus is in a state of *exponential decay* as confirmed by Fauci and other epidemiologists meaning things could get back to something like *normal* by July 4.

Anonymous said...

Was walking home from work late afternoon and shocked how packed the outdoor dining was LES and EV.
And while the 20-somethings with money were drinking and enjoying themselves, poorly paid workers/Instacart/Amazon/UPS etc were schlepping heavy loads of stuff to deliver....
The serf economy.
Millennials and Gen Z are not really progressive ...

Anonymous said...

@Unkown May 22, 2021 at 6:47 PM
It seems to me that the only thing in *exponential decay* is your own brain, or how do you explain the walker is broken and off the lock? By itself? By the old man throwing a tantrum about you morons? We are so tired of you smug, inconsiderate louts who think they own the neighborhood. You don't, you are a part of it like everyone else, if you can behanve like an adult. I don't mind a party and action, but I despise people like you who think we owe you a right to act out your Neanderthalism. Why don't you take your yelling and chimping back into the suburb from whence you came? We live here for a long time, and with all the action and noise going on there was always some respect between the different groups of people. With you guys, that's gone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The landlords & real estate agents are carving up apartments and turning the East Village into a massive campus of dorms. But with no RAs nor campus security. And the NYPD’s hands are pretty much tied. There’s a movement to start getting a handle on the situation. Strength in numbers.

Anonymous said...

@evgrieve - Can you get the community in touch with the owner? Setting aside how despicable it is for any individual to even scratch someone’s walker, we can replace it.

Anonymous said...

@6:47 The neighborhood is not the same as it was pre pandemic. They may or man not be bridge and tunnel but the EV is currently full of loud, obnoxious, entitled, clueless assholes that seem to have quadrupled since before covid. With all due respect you seem like a prime example.

If someone sets up a way to get this person a new walker I will gladly chip in. Maybe we can arm it with dipshit seeking missiles....

Anonymous said...

Playing the sleepy, boring suburbs card again!

Anonymous said...

@11:54am on May 22nd: I'm in total agreement with you on this. I was horrified to see how many people - young people, of course - were out & about without masks and without a care in the world, as if "pandemic" were just the name of a movie and not a reality we're still living with.

Will be interesting to see what the numbers look like in NYC in 2 or 3 weeks from now.

And you're right on the money when you say: "haven't had a cold, a cough, a runny nose, the flu or a sore throat in over a year, and for me that alone is enough reason to wear one indoors or in a crowd." Agree, agree, agree.

ALSO, re the WALKER: if there is a fund to contribute to to buy a new one, I hope someone will post that info here. I think this gentleman deserves the support of our REAL neighborhood, to try to offset the people who are shit-head douches.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to use the Bridge and Tunnel analogy going forward whenever a suburbanite or rural person calls me a city slicker.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until the streets are normal again. It's such BS that residents have street fairs outside their windows everywhere.