Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Classic University Place steakhouse Knickerbocker Bar & Grill is open once again

The Knickerbocker Bar & Grill returned to service on June 29 here on the southeast corner of Ninth Street and University Place. They are also offering, for the first time in its 44-year history, limited sidewalk seating.

The timeless NYC steakhouse had been closed since March 15, 2020. And there was some understandable concern that the Knickerbocker might not be returning. (For instance, there wasn't any messaging coming from the restaurant about the pandemic-related closure.)

However, as Robin Raisfeld and Rob Patronite reported at New York back in March, the restaurant would reopen in the coming weeks and — even better! — with a new 12-year lease.

Turns out that they needed a new exhaust system in the restaurant, a project that took place during part of the state-mandated shutdown.

During the pandemic, the Knickerbocker received a PPP loan and raised nearly $70,000 via a GoFundMe, whose contributors include nearby neighbor F. Murray Abraham (woo! "Mythic Quest"). They were also reportedly able to renegotiate a lease with the building's landlord. 

For now, the Knickerbocker is open Tuesday through Sunday from 5 to 11 p.m. The live jazz will return at a later date...       


  1. I recently watched “Marriage Story” and the closing scene is at the Knickerbocker — it made me miss it so much! Great that they’ve reopened.

  2. I love this place! I am so glad it is open again.

  3. Any word on Pete's Tavern reopening?

    1. I haven’t heard! I’m surprised they’ve been closed so long — especially with their ample sidewalk space

  4. Better New York experience than most overpriced steakhouses . R


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