Monday, August 9, 2021

New 2nd Avenue sushi restaurant unveils attempt at humor

As previously reported, Moko is a new sushi restaurant opening soon at 138 Second Ave. between St. Mark's Place and Ninth Street. 

Among the various signs now on the storefront: "Tell your sugar daddy Nobu's out. Moko's in."
The same flyer is posted around the neighborhood...
Nobu, of course, is the global chain of high-end Japanese restaurants that got its start in Tribeca in 1994.

Moko's playfulness extends to the menu, where the pricing includes the "starter Omakase" ($65), "worth it Omakase" ($85) and "definitely worth it omakase" ($120).

No word on an opening date just yet.

Thanks to Steven for the photos!


  1. Not the smartest P.R. campaign, it leaves the impression of an extremely expensive restaurant, that might deter people from even checking the menu.

  2. Semiotic translation: women, tell your owner in exchange for your body your owner has to take you to this new place.


  3. Yeah, hard pass.

  4. Another hard pass. These people need to hire a PR team, b/c they don't know how to get it done correctly in-house. All they've done is make themselves sound like a bunch of frat-boy owners.

  5. Wow, can't wait to not eat there. But that's just me, have a feeling this isn't a deterrent for others.

  6. I don't need a sugar daddy to pay for my sushi. I can buy it myself. This humor might have gotten a laugh a couple of decades ago but most people are going to be offended by it now.

  7. Hey, stupid business owners: When you insult WOMEN this way, a lot of us will make sure neither we nor our friends ever spend $$ at your establishment.

  8. Don't need a sugar daddy. Don't need this place. Plenty of other restaurants out there.

  9. Lighten up Francis. Its called a joke.

  10. How could this place be so dumb to post this all over the place? One place I won't go to (as a woman)....

  11. when i saw that poster thought what genius thought that up so degrading and elitist, and totally wiped away any interest i had to try it out they need to fire their ad agency immediately

    moko is glaringly not for neighborhood it's for the crush of foodies and regional tourists who swarm our area man wish Fresco could have hung in there somehow it was a bit on the $ side but welcoming modern and cozy

  12. All this did was give Nobu free PR. As evidenced by the comment section, i'd venture to guess many will rather just go to Nobu now instead of giving this place any business.

    Bad timing to make insensitive jokes, Moku. Yikes.

  13. Anyone can have a sugardaddy, not just women - just saying.

  14. "Lighten up Francis. Its called a joke."

    The Bro/SantaCon demo has spoken.

  15. @1:53pm: "Its called a joke." Yeah, sure - and the joke is going to be on the owners of this place!

    Women have a lot of influence in where they go out to eat, whether with male friends, on a date, or with their female friends. This so-called "joke" is a major misstep, and will land like a ton of bricks on how this place is perceived.

    I can guarantee you that a LOT of women have already decided they won't be eating here. There are so many better choices for where to have a good meal without being pre-insulted.

    Now that I know what the owners think of women, it really clarifies this place for me as a place I would not patronize, nor would I recommend it to anyone else. I don't care about their food; I do care about spending my money where I'm not already pre-classified as a whore by some bro-y owners.

  16. Also a hard pass, thanks to this ignorant campaign.
    Plenty of other SUGARFISH in the sea, bros!

  17. Wow people are literally offended st everything now it is becoming impossible to even be a sarcastic person, everyone is insane.

  18. This campaign was actually created by a woman, and we didn't mean to offend anyone! Just simply wanted to make a playful "inside joke" for the younger crowd, after all this is the east village not UES :) All Love - Team Moko


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