Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Pete's Tavern reopens TODAY

As a follow-up to our post yesterday about Pete's Tavern reopening... it turns out today (Aug. 10) is the day. The doors open at 4 p.m. 

EVG reader Michael Quinn shared the news via new owner Gary Egan (pictured above), the longtime day manager who worked out a partnership deal with the landlord. 

Pete's Tavern is at 129 E. 18th St. at Irving Place. The circa-1864 restaurant had been closed since March 2020.


  1. Looikin' good Gary!

  2. I am glad they reopened it is a cool place they provide complementary bowls of popcorn at the bar and the food in the dinning area is pretty good. I hope to get back there one of these days.

  3. Best place EVER!!! We’ve lived nearby for forever… My mom ate here for her dying wish… had such a wonderful time… honestly, more than just a restaurant, a place where family and happy hour can all


  4. The Croxley Boys welcome you all back! Best of LUCK

    Jack Bill and Tommy!

  5. Longtime day manager! I'm literally laughing right now. Gary Egan has been the de facto owner and glue that has kept this historical landmark running. There is no Pete's without Gary. Gary is a phenomenal talent


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