Monday, August 9, 2021

Reader report: Pete's Tavern looking closer to reopening

Updated 8/10: Pete's reopens today at 4 p.m.

From just outside the usual coverage zone ... an EVG Irving Place correspondent reports signs of life at old-timer Pete's Tavern.

In the past two weeks, help-wanted signs for wait and kitchen staff have arrived on the restaurant's front door here on Irving Place and 18th Street. In addition, three smallish curbside dining spaces were erected this past week...
The circa-1864 Pete's Tavern has not been open since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. There was some talk last fall among neighbors that Pete's was going to reopen. (And given the ample space for Pete's sidewalk cafe, regulars, including the EVG correspondent, were surprised that they didn't restart the dining service much earlier.) 

According to one published report, an employee died from COVID-19 in the spring of 2020 and three others tested positive.

So far, Pete's has not posted a reopening date on its website or social media properties.


  1. They completely renovated their kitchen

    1. Some other renovations as well, no? It seemed like they were doing some fairly significant work a few months ago.

      Glad to see these guys made it through.


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