Tuesday, December 21, 2021

No. 14

Here's your annual reminder that EVG is another year older.

The very first post arrived on this site on this date in 2007. It was about Sophie's, which is why I posted the top pic. 
I explained the origins of this news site in our gala 13th-anniversary post right here

So let's use the rest of the allotted time in this post to thank you for reading the site, leaving comments, sharing tips, commiserating about the loss of a business and celebrating the best neighborhood around. As I've said before, this site doesn't work without you.

A big thanks to all the frequent contributors, especially Derek Berg and Steven, for their ongoing photo and tip submissions. And a special shout-out to Stacie Joy for her tireless work in documenting the businesses and residents of the neighborhood.

Meanwhile, a happy and healthy holiday season to you!


Lola Sáenz said...

🥳 Happy Anniversary Grieve!! Thankyou
For all the Great stories
For the Great photographs from all the Great Photographers.
Thank you for all the hard work you put in!!
Cheers to many more years
We L❤ve you

Laura Goggin said...

Happy anniversary!

I hate New Things said...

Happy 14th from a curmudgeon who tries to hold onto the good! Merry Christmas and here is to another 14!

Anonymous said...

Hip Hip Hooray! For EV Grieve! Thank You! for your endeavor your reportage on the nabe good and bad have been a wonderful place to start the day and wrap it up as well Thank You Thank You Thanks :)
- A long time resident and reader who comments Anonymously but really appreciates your work

JAMES said...

Happy SUCCESSFUL anniversary! Look forward to many many more!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I remember finding your blog in its early days and trying to explain it to neighbors. I still call mystery lot , mystery even though there’s a building there now. And Death Star. So many good memories. Thank you, Grievy.

Anonymous said...

yeah, thank you for giving ME stuff to read

Anonymous said...

Me too. Although I moved down to the LES, I’m in the EV a lot and after 25 years on Ave B, it’s part of me forever. Happy anniversary and happy holidays! And thanks!

Pinch said...

Your contribution to the neighborhood is nearly immeasurable. Thank you, kindly.

bruce said...

Thank you to Grieve and all the contributors who make this an indispensable community resource!! Happy 14th! I believe this begins the Year of the Reduced Legroom Express Bus on the Grieve Lunar calendar, doesn't it? Or was that last year? If so, then is this the Year of the Disused Outdoor Dining Structure? I get confused. Anyway, happy birthday!

Greg Masters said...

Happy anniversary and thank you.

VH McKenzie said...

While so many are bemoaning the loss of local, small-town newspapers - I see you, newspaper of my youth, The Shoreline Times of Madison, CT - we also are rewarded with the online alternatives, like EV Grieve. On the ground, in the community, and with local photographers and writers. We are in good hands!

anonymous said...

Happy Birthday 🎁🎊🎉🎂🎈 Grieve!! I wish you many more!!🙏🏻🍀👍

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, EV Grieve. You are the best!!!

creature said...

Happy blogiversary! Thank you all for keeping the content rolling.

Anonymous said...

You are information central for this nabe. Ya done good all these years & now ya made yourself indispensable! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

welcome to your Teenage Riot years :)

genevieve said...

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks Grieve. When are you going to put out the tip jar so we can say thanks?

Anonymous said...

Though it has already been said, we cannot thank you enough, dear Grieve, for your tireless daily contributions that keep us all intricately connected in ways that are countless! Strange tales, real estate porn, good eats, happiness spreading, good will hunting, sink-hole spotting, activism, insider tips, neighborhood secrets, meeting business owners who are also our neighbors, building community, having tea and coffee with us every day, funny photos, cool illustrations, awkward rent-stabilized interiors, arty peeps, folk-rock updates, 1980s music videos, you've got it all and deliver the best blog ever for the best neighborhood ever. Season's Greetings and Thank you Thank you Thank you! XOXOXOX

Jose Garcia said...

Miss Kita the Wonder Dog sends her congratulations and appreciation for your continued support. Thank you for your service. Regards JG

Jill W said...

Thank you Grieve and all the contributors! And happy solstice to all the grumpus's out there!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping this neighborhood alive. Happiest birthday.

Scotty Sounds said...

Thanks for your tireless work. And happy that Sophie’s and Mona’s landed in good hands (along with Joe’s, which became Josie’s) for continued good EV bar hangs. Happy holidays all!

Anonymous said...

AND , even after that little brat outed you (by name) I don’t remember your real name. You probably have it on your profile now. I think there was even a picture at one time somewhere. I prefer the anonymity angle. It was a fun topic, so, who do you think Grieve is? You have supplied countless gatherings with conversations. (Not just the guessing game) And music suggestions! I almost forgot about the child actor that owned the corner bar on 13 th and A - and there was a community meeting in the garden down the street and you attended and everyone tried to figure out who you were…. Or super dry? That bar club that took over the cool bookstore/ coffee shop at the milk bar place that Hady was a part of? Man. You have guided us through a lot of funny/ sad/ interesting times. Sorry for asking, but have you published the work yet? If not can you title it Mystery Lot? It would be a great book.

santo@sourceunltd.com said...

it would be a very different village without you guys doing your thing. kerp it goin

Anonymous said...

You guys do a fantastic job and we’re all so lucky to have you.
Please do let us know if we need to raise funds at any point to keep this going. You’d get plenty of support.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to You !

Thank You for the news,
look forward to it every morning.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything, but especially for your uncannily good sense of which are the important stories, and for your wit!

ed anger said...

Thanks for all the work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks EVG and happy anniversary, being away from the East Village I thank you and all the contributors who keep the site alive and keep us all in the loop of the happenings around the greatest neighborhood in the city ! CHEERS!!!

dwg said...

EVG- keep on keepin on!

Older Historian said...

Congratulations Grieve! I turn to your Blog first thing every day! And among the many things I love about your blog (and there are many!!!), unlike certain other blogers you keep your own ego out of it and let the story, the profile, the business, the event tell the story! Long may you publish!!!!

MrNiceGuy said...


A heartfelt thanks to you and all of the contributors for keeping us informed and instilling a real sense of community for the neighborhood. I enjoy reading this blog each and every day (which isn't easy, given the proliferation of EVGrumps!)

Now that you're 14, does this means the blog is going to hit its awkward puberty phase??

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being here!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and thank you for every year of your hard work! It's comforting to have a reliable and trustworthy source of neighborhood news. Here's to a better 2022!


Thanks for all that you do!

Giovanni said...

Hey Grieve, you should rename this blog EV Psychic, because every time I notice something new going on the neighborhood you are already covering it. You also give us an outlet to mock (Empire Biscuit, SantaCon, the Nightlife Mayor) celebrate (Snowmageddon, the Dog Parade) and grieve (the 2nd Avenue gas explosion, our lousy landlords, and now the destruction of East River Park) every major event happening between The Houston Street Horridor and the DMZ, aka East 14th Street. Here’s to 14 more years of in depth coverage of every major event, sinkhole and of course The Mystery Lot.

Skeetmotis said...

Congrats on YAY! Your photos of storefronts inspires me to out do you, as much as that is possible.

Anonymous said...

EVGRIEVE is a lifeline and I have followed the blog since you posted about the old health food store run by hippies on 1st ave between 9th & 10th. Happy Anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

Good and glad tidings, Grieve! Just as Derek, Steven, Stacie and Goggla's photos frame their subjects, you let us see our own neighborhood anew every day.Many thanks!

bayou said...

I love you, EVG, and we're so lucky you are ours. And that you are a morning person.

SimonEgleton said...

Thank you for all your phenomenal effort over the years, providing us with invaluable information.

KPR789 said...

EV Grieve, you gift us all -- day in day out-- with your smart, important, principled, clever, and witty posts. A million thanks for the smiles, the wows, the photos and links, the heads-up(s) about what's happening around us - and, above all, for your time (omg) putting it all together. For us.

Jeanne Krier

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary and happy Christmas, EV Grieve! Every neighborhood should be so lucky as to have an ad-free blog with super-local news & whatnot. Happy Christmas and many thanks to all the photographers and other contributors, too.

OlympiasEpiriot said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

You started just after I did here. Good to have someone to celebrate the good with and ally the craziness of changes in that tone

Anonymous said...

Much like NYC and the East Village, this blog has become a shell of its former self. It has alienated its original commenter base, favoring the newbies, and transplants, for this blog is afraid of hurting their feelings. Comments are arbitrarily censored especially from the NIMBYS or old-timers, but those coming from the "YIMBYS" and pro bars and bottomless brunch are published. There used to be a nice banter, but now everything is woke. It has become a "not a democratic nation nor a wide-open public forum", i.e. communism? But hey, it is now an "award-winning" blog.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone has blog envy. Maybe start your own?

Anyway, I'm an old timer and remember finding this site after reading Jeremiah's Vanishing New York. I lurk most of the time, but I really appreciate the community it has cultivated and am amazed how you have never failed to post. It's an essential news source for those of us who care about the EV and I admit I have taken it for granted so many times. The author does not get paid, nor does he advertise, but provides an essential service for all of us because he [apparently!] loves it. Thank you.