Sunday, January 2, 2022

About a heavy-hitting production coming to the Gene Frankel Theater

EVG contributor Clare Gemima pointed out this production of interest that premieres this coming week... "Sugar Ray" makes its theatrical debut on Thursday evening at the Gene Frankel Theater, 24 Bond St. between the Bowery and Lafayette.

Here's more about the production via the EVG inbox...
Sugar Ray Robinson was, pound for pound, the greatest boxer of all time. In his 25-year professional career, from 1940 to 1965, he was boxing history's first winner of five divisional championships (in the middleweight and welterweight divisions).  

This "King of Harlem" was renowned for his litheness, his power and his flamboyant lifestyle outside the ring. His career peaked between 1947 and 1950, before the era of TV boxing, so his style and legacy are less preserved today than those of other boxers, including his admirer, Muhammed Ali.  That's why "Sugar Ray" by playwright Laurence Holder is so significant. It recaptures Robinson's life and boxing legacy in a biographical solo show that is exciting to those who idolized him and illuminating to those who grew up after his era.
The play runs through Jan. 23. Find ticket info and COVID protocols here.

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