Tuesday, March 1, 2022

'Gossip Girl' is filming today xoxo

Crews are out today to film scenes for the HBO Max version of "Gossip Girl" ...  so expect to see some lights, cameras, trucks and action nearby along streets that include Bond between the Bowery and Lafayette.

This will be for season 2 of the standalone series to the CW version (2007-2012).

As you likely know, several unresolved storylines hang in the balance after Season 1. What can we expect from Audrey, Aki and Max's new relationship? How will Zoya fare making new friends away from Julien? And what of the possible Kate-Julien collaboration? Feel free to leave your thoughts on the EVG GG LiveJournal!


  1. "EVG GG LiveJournal!"

    Whew, harsh!

  2. Cool. Just don’t film on my block. I can’t stand having to move my car for rich Hollywood. Gimme compensation

  3. Spotted: Tourists' rude awakening. East Villagers and Lower East Siders aren’t born with a silver spoon in their mouths unlike the trustafarian gentrifiers that the tourists came to see in the neighborhood. Locals and natives hustle, create, and their way up in heels, no matter who they have to tread on to do it including the transplants who go back home once the s--t hit the fan.


  4. The sign says filming on March 1, but could this have anything to do with the small plane that's been obnoxiously circling over 1st-2nd Aves around 5th St for the last hour?


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