Thursday, April 28, 2022

RIP Paul Adrian Davies

Paul Adrian Davies, an East Village mainstay since his arrival in 1978, passed away on the weekend of April 15. He was 69.

Originally from Cardiff, Wales, the affable "self-taught photographer" lived on Seventh Street between Avenue C and Avenue D. 

Davies is known for documenting and publishing a book around Rolando Politi's installation of the Winter Flowers at La Plaza Cultural Community Garden on the SW corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street. In 2000, Politi began decorating the fence top with sculptures of flower-like whimsical (movable) assemblies created using packaging waste. 

Davies also captured East Village-based scenes from the COVID pandemic in a series of photographs titled "Six Feet Apart But Still Together," featured at the Tompkins Square Library branch. 

Here's described his approach to photography on his website
I am particularly drawn to the "street" in the widest context of that word. The "street" could be a temple in India, a marketplace in Mexico, a protest in Barcelona or the New York subway.

I like to observe the activities that take place in these settings and look closely at how people present themselves and interact with one another. I also enjoy the random events which happen in these environments and create unique moments and images. 

I am very interested in the dialogue which takes place on the "street" via graffiti, murals, scribblings, stickers and posters. I view this as a strong and important alternative to traditional communication channels such as print, television and even the internet. 

Friends are planning a celebration of his life next month. 


The memorial is Tuesday, May 10 at 5:45 p.m. ... at the Green Oasis Community Garden on Eighth Street between Avenue C and Avenue D.


  1. If you hear of the plans please pass them along. There are several people that would like to be there.

  2. Paul was a kind and talented man. This is very sad news.

  3. We are planning a Memorial at one of the east village gardens. I will post here when we’ve figured out best day.

  4. He was such a lovely person and added so much to our community.

  5. You will be missed old friend.

    1. He was a beautiful, spiritual person. Rest in peace my friend !

    2. He was Ron. He will be greatly missed.

  6. Truly a lovely man with an open heart and a gifted eye. I miss his mischievous chuckle, and the youthful sparkle in his eyes.

    Rest in Power Don Paulus

  7. I have lived across the street from him since I moved to the block in ‘14. We would greet one another and he always seemed like such a nice guy. I always thought we would have that chat and get to know one another but, alas, it never happened. An opportunity lost. I wish his friends and family well.

  8. Really sorry to hear this. I have lived on the block since 2007 and often chatted with Paul. Miss him.

  9. Paul will be remembered by his friends at Green Oasis Garden (370 E. 8th St between C&D) on May 10 at 5.45 pm. Please come to say goodbye with the community he loved. We are all heartbroken. I still can't believe he is gone. Such a kind person and beautiful soul should have never left this earth in so much pain. May he find peace & love.

  10. At Paul's Memorial on Tuesday, we will bring copies of his newly published photo book, Rock Fans. We will be asking for donations for the book ($25 or whatever you can) and all money will go to the Payne Whitney Clinic at NY Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center where he taught photography.

  11. Paul was a lovely man I knew him only briefly but sensed his kindness and would have liked to have known him more Liz Cardiff

  12. Paul, seeing your face suddenly here makes me bust into tears. You were such a lovely man. That smile and kind eyes, I will always cherish you. I sometimes hear your voice and can remember exactly how you sounded like. We miss you dearly.


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