Friday, May 6, 2022

A look at 'Contact,' an immersive art installation

Photos by Stacie Joy

"Contact," a new immersive show by Michelangelo Alasa, continues at the Duo Multicultural Arts Center (DMAC), 62 E. Fourth St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery.

Here's more about what to expect:
"Contact" is a theatrical installation created by queer Cuban-American artist Michelangelo Alasa ("Confessions of a Cuban Sex Addict") when his husband Nick of 48 years passed from Covid. He made Contact for himself as a way to make a bridge between here and there, a place where he could reflect, find peace, and have a transformative, contemplative personal experience. It is a place filled with beauty, storytelling and joy. 
Join him as he shares his journey with you and wander through spaces filled with evocative images followed by a sit down in a beautifully table scaped setting where he will serve you complimentary desserts and drinks.
Alasa recently gave EVG contributor Stacie Joy a tour of the space...
The show runs Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. through May 22. Find ticket info here.

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