Friday, June 3, 2022

The Marshal seizes Bar None on 3rd Avenue

Photos by Steven 

Workers were spotted yesterday afternoon boarding up Bar None on Third Avenue.
In addition, there's a legal notice (dated June 2) posted via the Marshal, stating that the landlord now has legal possession of the sports bar here between 12th Street and 13th Street...
As we've seen in the past, a visit by the Marshal doesn't always mean the end for the business. Perhaps the landlord and tenant can work out a deal. 

Bar None was closed late last year for nearly a month. According to the legal documents dated from Nov. 18, "The property was seized for nonpayment of New York State taxes." 

The bar reopened in the middle of December.


EV Signage and Font Troll said...

The Marshal needed to seize that signage. The font makes me angrier than having to step past a drunk bro in a Santa hat vomiting on 3rd Avenue between 12th and 13th.

Anonymous said...

Anything that can help reclaim some of the neighborhood from the purveyors of cash-for-booze is a good thing.

As Habib of the late lamented Habib's middle eastern food said shortly before bar-level-rents pushed him out: "They used to sell drugs in this neighborhood. Now they sell alcohol".

Anonymous said...

good riddance

Anonymous said...

Place used to be great. Vikings and Saints on Sunday were insane but fun as hell. But it was heading downhill for the last couple of years. Shady stuff.

Katbot said...

Not mad about this at all lol

Anonymous said...

Watched saints win superbowl here