Shouldn't be an inconvenience for buses or street cleaners...
An interesting theory from a reader... this car with the boot had been on Third Street, and the city towed it ahead of the milling the other night... why the tow-truck operator left it in the bus lane...?
Great! They should tow them to make it even more difficult for them
Hefty fine to get that boot off - what a dumbass
WAIT! Is that the KEYFOOD way in the background??
Great question about tow truck operator's choice there... We really need that bus lane, and now it's blocked... Wish they would tow all the cars that have so many unpaid tickets, and then charge them for the work & storage.
The idiocy of NYC under this Mayor is reaching previously-unheard-of new lows, IMO. This is just stupidity piled on stupidity.
Yup. Rando tow truck driver = direct line to the Mayor. Got it. {eyeroll}
this is in front of a (new-ish) drop-off wash and fold on the west side
@7:49pm: You're missing the point: in this administration, NO ONE is in charge or "minding the store", so yeah, rando tow operator is free to do whatever, b/c there are no consequences for the tow operator's actions.
So the mayor is towing cars now?🙄
2:41am: Uh, who do you think authorizes tow trucks in NYC? It's not the Easter bunny, nor is it any of Santa's elves. Clear it up for you?
Some of the cars towed from 3rd also ended up in the southbound bike lane on Ave C between 4th & 5th as well.
@12:26PM: I'm not the one who's confused, thanks!
The mill at night, and so when they towed it the spot was legal. Still a dumb place to put it because that changes at 6am. Speaking of which, those bus lane hours should be different. It makes more sense for it to start later (7 or 8 AM instead of 6) and end earlier (8/9 instead of 10) and that was it's easier for people to park park overnight but not during any crowded times. No nuance in thought with this new DOT.
The tow truck should be booted too.
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