Monday, October 10, 2022

Miracle on St. Mark's: Sidewalk bridge coming down outside No. 19-23

Photo by Steven 

Workers from the Department of Miracles are out this morning... removing the long-standing sidewalk bridge from 19-23 St. Mark's Place. 

The structure outside the 8-story retail-residential complex between Second Avenue and Third Avenue has been up for nearly six years. Google Street View shows that it arrived sometime between September 2016 and September 2017. (Thanks to the reader who checked that!)

1 comment:

  1. If any building is deserving of a bronze plaque it's this one. Polish dance hall in the 1940s, site of Andy Warhols and the Velvet Underground shows in the 1960's, then the Electric Circus disco, and then allegedly bombed by the Black Panthers in March 1970. This was ground zero for when St Marks was consider the *coolest* street in the US.


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