Wednesday, March 8, 2023

A corner lot awaits new development on 5th Street and Avenue D

Workers recently finished demolishing the former one-level grocery, Uncle Johnny's, and clearing the lot on the SW corner of Avenue D and Fifth Street. 

As previously reported, a 13-story mixed-use building is slated for this now-empty property...
As NY Yimby first reported
The proposed 125-foot-tall development will yield 62,200 square feet designated for residential space. The building will have 85 residences, with an average unit scope of 731 square feet. The concrete-based structure will also have 15 inclusionary housing units and a cellar but no accessory parking. 
Public records show that Manny Ashourzadeh, via Golbar LLC, is behind this new project. 

Uncle Johnny, the longtime grocery store, closed here in February 2022.

In recent years, several new developments, including 
the Adele ... Arabella 101 and NIKO East Village, have risen along this Avenue D corridor. 


  1. Yessssss! So awesome to see more residential units going up.

  2. Here's to hoping they don't need to pile drive

  3. I wish they were able to go to 20 stories but 13 is a good start.

  4. this is horrible. bullshit luxury highrises destroying the light character and integrity of the village. for a luxury developer. anyone in favor of this is an idiot and doesnt deserve to live in the village. go to midtown where you belong and good riddance.

    1. “light character and integrity”? Haven’t spent a lot of time over here, have you?

  5. Love the trolls excited!!!!!! Lol!!! Yeah man, lets make it 50 floors high- high.......Mom and Dad are in it too!!! This piece of land for my ...well.....the ignorance is on every said face.

  6. On 03/11 at 11:11 AM, Anonymous quoth:

    “light character and integrity”? Haven’t spent a lot of time over here, have you?

    I think @Glamma is reacting to the area being overdeveloped and the new buildings' eclipsing the character of the existing buildings.

  7. "Average unit scope of 731 square feet" = these apartments are too small to raise a family of 4 or larger.


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