Saturday, April 29, 2023

Saturday's parting shot

Photo by Derek Berg 

A moment on St. Mark's Place today...


  1. Never change, St. Marks.

  2. Takes a lot of dedication

  3. Are they filming an 80's era movie around there somewhere?
    Nobody dresses like that anymore.

  4. Carol from East 5th StreetApril 30, 2023 at 2:44 PM

    They may be from Connecticut. I never see this look during the week.

  5. Great photo. I love how they're all clearly focused on something to the left. But man oh man, that's a whole lotta accessories. You have to admire those who are deeply committed to a look. Love the hair on bachelor no. 2.

  6. I'm *guessing* they were here for the hardcore show in Tompkins that got cancelled with the rain

  7. Anonymous 3.45 pm Thank you and LOL

  8. I love this photo!


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