Tuesday, April 11, 2023

What you need to know about the 17th edition of the Dance Parade, happening on May 20

Organizers of the annual Dance Parade, one of the more (most?) festive East Village events of the year, released details about the 2023 edition happening on Saturday, May 20.

This year's grand marshals, Ronald K. Brown, Natasha Diggs and Elizbeth Streb, will kick off the event at 11:45 a.m. from a new starting location — 17th Street and Sixth Avenue (it was on Broadway and 20th last year). 

And more details via the EVG inbox:
At this year's parade and festival, Dance Parade will celebrate its 17th year under the theme "Beyond the Zone" with 10,000 dancers from 160+ dance organizations who will present over 100 unique styles of dance down Avenue of Americas, parade across West 8th Street, perform before the Grand Stand at St. Mark's Place before reaching Tompkins Square Park [for DanceFest]. 
If you want to dance in the parade or get involved and volunteer with Dance Parade, please register here.

You can relive part of last year's Dance Parade and DanceFest at this EVG link.


  1. Hi! I am looking forward to the parade this year, I saw it last year and it was fantastic!! Just one question? Is this a rain or shine event?

    1. It's looking like it's going to be rain or shine

    2. It's rain or shine... looks like we have rain this weekend


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