Thursday, May 4, 2023

Nest Ball: Amelia and Christo's 2023 chicks make first appearance

Photos by Steven

ICYMI: It appears that red-tailed hawks Amelia and Christo in Tompkins Square Park have several hatchlings in their nest. 

Difficult to say at the moment how many... but observers have seen at least two fuzzy little heads poking up from inside the nest...
As always, follow Goggla for the latest on the red-tailed hawks... in this post, she documents Amelia and Christo brooding their eggs in late April.


  1. I love to see it. How many chicks have they had since they’ve called TSP home?

    1. There's a TSP "Hawk Archive" spreadsheet at that gives you the full history starting with Season 1. Look for it in the sidebar.

  2. this is so wonderful - thank you Goggla for always great work!


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