Monday, July 3, 2023

High Vibe looking for some help to continue spreading the love

Photos by Stacie Joy

Robert “Bobby” Dagger, owner of the health/natural foods and goods store High Vibe, recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to help keep the 30-year-old East Village shop at 138 E. Third St. Street between Avenue A and First Avenue in business for years to come...
Here's part of the appeal:
...the pandemic, coupled with the shift to online sales and people moving away from the city, has left us facing financial hardship. We find ourselves in need of assistance to cover bills and back rent, so we can continue serving our community and spreading love to people, dogs, and kids for another 30 years.
You can find the GoFundMe at this link.

High Vibe is open daily 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Find the store's website here. And if you're on Instagram, they have an account at this link.

Previously on EV Grieve:

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