Sunday, July 2, 2023

On 7th Street, the Clyde Romero Memorial Garden celebrates a longtime garden activist

Photo by Dave on 7th

The Lower East Side Ecology Center Garden on Seventh Street has been rededicated in honor of its late co-founder.

Moving forward, the green space on Seventh Street between Avenue B and Avenue C will be known as the Clyde Romero Memorial Garden.

Romero, a longtime East Village resident, was co-founder of the LES Ecology Center. He died in January 2022 at age 84

During a ceremony this past Thursday, Romero was celebrated "as an artist, community and environmental activist, a dear friend to many." 


  1. Clyde....never to be seen again!! What a beautiful way to honor you. This brief life on Earth and you made it wonderful.

  2. Wonderful presence in our neighborhood. Always interesting to touch base and chat, walking about. Always interested in the fabric of our community of which he was an integral and colorful thread.


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