Thursday, August 10, 2023

A fundraiser for La Plaza Cultural, and a new era for Pinc Louds

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy

You are invited to visit La Plaza Cultural late Saturday afternoon at 5 p.m. for a fundraiser for the community garden's new solar pavilion

The event includes a solo set by the lead singer of Pinc Louds and singer-songwriter K. Porcelain. Attendees can donate to the pavilion. (Read more about the project here.

Meanwhile, in a Instagram post last weekend, the driving force behind Pinc Louds made a heartfelt announcement starting with "the wig is off..." 
Over seven years ago, I created a look and voice that allowed me to be more extroverted, vulnerable and honest while performing. It helped me be brave enough to go into the subway stations and wail my soul at millions of strangers every day.

I am so grateful that this side of me was able to blossom through this "persona," this extension of myself… It led me to so many magical adventures and to meet so many beautiful humans… But I was wearing an armor. I wasn't letting people in completely. I would see some of these same people on the street when I wasn't performing, and since they wouldn't recognize me, I would pretend not to know them either. 

One of these humans — a very beautiful bright light in Tompkins Square Park — died earlier this year, and I decided I don't want to keep wearing this armor anymore. In the beginning, it freed me, but recently it's just been crushing me. 

At shows, I've always urged the audience to be more human, to make true connections, "talk to your neighbors…" But you can’t make true connections when you're hiding behind a mask. It's easy to be honest and vulnerable when no one knows who you really are. I'm going to try and give it a shot, this time without the armor. Hopefully, I can. Hopefully, you'll accept that. 

I’m excited about this next chapter. It's going to be scary. And weird. And intense and fun. But above all, it's going to be true. 

My name is Federico… but you can still call me Claudi. Claudi was never a "character." She has always been a side of me. And this side of me is and will remain the essence of Pinc Louds. 
And here is Federico in East River Park on Saturday, photographed by EVG's Stacie Joy...
And you may have seen Federico in recent weeks as he has returned to busking, such as in Tompkins Square Park on July 31 (photo below by Derek Berg)...
While the band formed in 2015, Pinc Louds came to prominence during the pandemic summer of 2020, when its brand of quirky cheerfulness gave COVID-weary residents a much-needed dose of joyfulness with socially-distant live shows that could feature a hopscotch contest or a movement meditation trash outing by Dance to the People depending on the afternoon.

You never knew exactly what you might get with an impromptu show, but it was always a lot of fun. We know that spirit will continue on with the work Federico and Pinc Louds create. 


Anonymous said...

I’ve always enjoyed Pinc Louds when they were playing at the 4th st subway station during my commute and now I welcome and applaud Fredrico ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ❤️

stephen b said...

ahhh! the saga continues! Thank you Fredico.

Anonymous said...

Much love.Federico!!!!!!๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜

Anonymous said...

Keep it up!! THANKS for all the great music.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Federico! Please know that you are loved and appreciated for who you are, and for ALL of yourself!

Bravo for sharing your thoughts & your journey, b/c living your truth makes all the difference in the world, and those of us who have only known you as Claudi can now better appreciate the entirety of who you are.

When "you do you", you're giving a gift to yourself AND to everyone else. It's a gift that ONLY you can give: your personality, your talents, your energy.

BTW, I hope you know you have one of the very best smiles in the world! You absolutely radiate warmth, energy, joy, and love.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love hearing and seeing YOU! You always bring joy and smiles!

Anonymous said...

Any other shows coming up?

Anonymous said...

Genial!!! Que viva tu mรบsica!! Love u Federico ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’œ

Anonymous said...

I love you!!!❤️

JefffD said...

YAY! So excited to see the show!