Saturday, September 2, 2023

Tompkins Finest Deli & Grill is now the East Village Mini Market

Photos by Steven 

Tompkins Finest Deli & Grill abruptly closed this past week at 153 Avenue A near 10th Street... and just like that, the new business signage is up for the East Village Mini Market. 

A tipster said the new owners took over and fired the previous staff. The incoming market, we're told, will focus more on smoking-related products... gone are the sandwiches and deli case from TFDG's days ...
There was a similar abrupt switcheroo here in early 2012 when the Avenue A Mini Market abruptly closed to make way for Tompkins Finest Deli.


  1. Wow - not another smoke shop! Geeze when will it end?
    I do like The East Village part of the sign though.

  2. This really, truly sucks. I purchased many egg, bacon, and cheese sandwiches there on my way to work. The staff were consistently friendly. And now, another shop moves in and focuses on smoke products? There are enough of these tacky stores littered throughout our neighborhood. Bodegas like the one that closed are integral parts of our community.

  3. I like that the new sign mentions cigarettes and organics. Brilliant. Reminds me of when druggies would be excited because they were told that their heroin was cut with vitamins, so it’s good for you.

  4. "There was a similar abrupt switcheroo here in early 2012 when the Avenue A Mini Market abruptly closed to make way for Tompkins Finest Deli."

  5. This fucking sucks. Either side of the block had nice convenience/deli goods just a short time ago. Now more of this smoking-related shit. How is the market not yet saturated with these ugly bong shops with their fluorescent lights, appalling decor, and undesirable staff and clientele. I don’t know what this is going to look like, but if any of the above, it can go fuck itself. :)

  6. And the convenience store@ 149 First to the Indian Fried Chicken place ,been there forever too, last week abruptly switched to a smoke shop called Urban Air

  7. A small juice bottle, a few inches of garden hose, and a cone cut from a coke can - store bought bongs are for the weak!

  8. Sigh.

    How much weed can one area smoke? Are we all committed to finding out?

  9. “Fired the staff”!? Those guys were awesome!! Gonna miss that place.

  10. Please, no more fucking smoke shops. I am over it. How much do we need of them? Bodegas such as the one which just closed are the bloodlines of our neighborhoods where you befriend staff, make daily purchases, and feel part of a community. I frequented this very one many times and found a sense of safety in them when someone was following me, or when it was super hot or cold outside, or when I just needed temporary refuge from the concrete jungle for a few minutes. I could buy a coffee, sip it, and read a newspaper. This is NYC. Not the suburbs. More bodegas. Less smoke shops please.

  11. Already overkill. Amount of people smoking dope on the street has exploded. Not good for a healthy community.

  12. Heartbroken!!! The staff were the nicest dudes ever … always asking how you are and striking up a convo… so messed up they fired the og tompkins finest staff. And we literally do not need another dang smoke shop. It’s overkill at this point

  13. Wack. Wack generic smoke shop BS sign. I loved the smoothies there.


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