Thursday, November 2, 2023

A bench for Dennis Edge in Tompkins Square Park

Photo by Goggla 

Updated: Since receiving this, the campaign has already met its financial goal. We'll leave the information here for anyone interested in purchasing one of his books

Dennis Edge, an East Village resident since 1970, passed away on Sept. 1. He was 85. 

For years, he documented the birds of Tompkins Square Park, where he was a regular and welcome presence. And now friends are raising money to have a bench dedicated in his memory. 

Here's more via the campaign
His passing left a hole in the hearts of our community and an empty bench in Tompkins Square Park. You could see him sitting on a bench photographing the Red-tailed Hawk pair or migratory species. He was always happy to share his knowledge about birds in a joyful and non-judgmental way. He helped inspire others to become birders and to care for nature. 

Please help us raise the funds for a bench for Dennis. This will memorialize his contribution to the community of the Lower East Side and Tompkins Square Park. This will be a place friends, loved ones, and birders can meet for remembrance, reflection, and birding, for generations to come. 
Also, Dennis had self-published a book, "Tompkins Square Park Birds and Other New York City Bird Stories." Below is the information on how to order a copy...


  1. This is beautiful.

  2. Some semblance of his life and devotion to our community lives on in this park. RIP dear man.

  3. A bench is a beautiful way to honor him & what he meant to this community for so many years.

    Thank you also for info about the book; have just ordered a copy. What patience he had, and what talent!

  4. Just got my copy of Dennis Edge's book today, and it's AMAZING!

    God bless him for his patience and talent; it's is a very beautiful and impressive book, not just for adults, but also as a way to show children the astonishing variety & sheer beauty of birds that are all around us.


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