Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Glizzy's has left St. Mark's Place

Photos by Steven 

After a Nov. 1 opening, Glizzy's has already vacated 34 St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue. 

Workers were spotted removing contents from the space last week. We're told that Glizzy's will reopen in Soho.
In an Instagram message, the Glizzy's team cited "partner and landlord" issues behind the EV vacate. 

The brand started in Williamsburg in 2022, billing itself as "Brooklyn's best hot dogs." (That Metropolitan Avenue outpost recently closed.)

Meanwhile, Crif Dogs remains the top dog on St. Mark's Place.


  1. I went once, about an hour after they had opened for the day. The staff member looks startled that I'm there and said he still needs some time to set up. Fine, I place my order, ready to wait and give a nice tip because I felt bad for some reason. It takes around 5-7 minutes to make my basic dogs--standard beef with two toppings each--and he gives them to me. I bite into my hot dog. It's cold. They're both cold. I can't even be assed to go back and complain after the weird initial reaction, so I tossed them and got some pizza instead.

    Maybe they're phenomenally better later in the day, but based on that experience, I wouldn't be surprised if they were shut down already.

  2. Weird how this happens. People who try to continue expanding businesses that have “partner and landlord issues” seem like the kind of people who think having a baby or getting a pet will fix a troubled relationship. Sort that ish out before taking on anything new!

  3. never saw anyone in there…shame. wish Suki would come back

  4. Suki is located in east midtown now

  5. Crif Dogs remains King & Queen.

  6. The copy editor in me hates that signage.


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