Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Sidney's Five closes on Friday

Photo of Sidney's Five partners Kai Woo, Walker Chambliss,
 Edie Ugot and David Lowenstein from June 2021 by Stacie Joy

Sidney's Five has announced its closure after nearly three years at 103 First Ave. between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. 

Here's part of the Sidney's notice via Instagram
After nearly 3 years of Corn Dogs, Dirty Fundy’s, and Burgers, our chapter in the East Village is coming to a close. In true Sidney’s fashion, we will not mourn but celebrate our time with you all with one last hurrah! Our last service is officially Friday, February 23rd, so let’s close it out with a bang. 

While we absolutely hate saying goodbye, every single person who walked in and hung out with us made us remember the reason why we opened up in the first place. Our community, our loyal patrons, our dedicated and truly one-of-a-kind staff, old and new, you created such an environment that will be hard to let go of but will forever be remembered. Be proud of that ... Until we see each other again! Xoxo 
Readers we talked with liked Sidney's Five with its kitschy seaside motel vibe... though there were seemingly some identity problems, per these readers — was it a bar that served food or a restaurant with a bar? 

Sidney's Five debuted in May 2021


  1. I hope the owners will be a good neighbor and tear down the dining shed when they vacate.

    The abandoned shed next to it (107 1st Ave former Huertas) has been a nightmare with random garbage being dumped there since August.

  2. This place was known for its brunch and was always booked. So surprised they’re shutting unless it’s to move to a new/ larger location

  3. I wish they gave an explanation as to why. This place was the best. I was there twice a month and now I'm devastated.


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